Brakes are way to powerful, is there a setting to make more realistic?

All planes can be stopped in super short distance, and its totally unrealistic.
Is there a setting that can help make the brakes less powerful?


Changing the value of the toe_brakes_scale in the systems.cfg file is one way.


Can’t confirm that this affects all aircraft.
Have actually tested all aircraft and compared the data with the official performance data?

E.g. the 747 matches the perfomance data pretty close.


Are you sure you don’t have a binding to your parking brake working? Brake on makes for short landings.

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I’d say breaking is quite realistic, though I still try to figure out a way to make breaking more realistic in such way that with the push of the keyboard/joystick button, not the full breaking force is applied but gradual breaking is possible? Maybe that describes you problem as well? @Bacountry182

Brakes are effective if you use full brakes (100%). I would think that in real life nobody ever uses full brakes unless in an emergency or for short field landings. I usually use around 20-40% (have it bind to joystick slider that normally is used for throttle).


Are you using brake pedals? If using the keyboard or a button on the joystick it most likely isn’t “totally unrealistic”, it’s just that you use maximum braking when using a key binding, something which is rarely done in real life.


You are absolutely right, most planes stop/slow down way too quickly. It’s very unrealistic. Hard landings also seem to be simulated too softly. X-Plane definitely has the upper hand in both those areas. Would be nice to see that corrected.

Any proof for this claim?


I use crosswind pedals.
I fly lots of off airport and bush flying in real life in Cessna 170s and 182s, and I use full brakes and come real slow for landings, have very powerful brakes on the real planes, in FS2020 I have not tried the jets, but all the single engine planes can stop in less than half the distance I can do it in real life.
You dont need to be a real pilot to realize this.
Just go to an airport and look at a Bonanza or Cessna landings, its easy to prove the brakes are to powerful on GA aircraft in FS 2020.

Was trying to see if there is some curves in the sensitivity settings that could help make them more realistic.

You are comparing apples and oranges.
I’m pretty sure that you will never see a Bonanza or Cessna applying maximum braking during a normal landing.

edit: just tested the 172 at 2550lbs and the landing roll was more than 500ft.
The POH says 570ft. That’s quite close IMO.


2 posts were split to a new topic: Brakes are way to powerful, is there a setting to make more realistic? Rev20105189

I just want to have a setting that makes them less powerful.
So every time I brake does not feel like I am applying full brakes, its hard not to do.
You just touch the brakes and you are giving full power braking every time, very unlike a real plane.
Not trying to ruin the experience of the flight simmers, or trying to convince anyone.

Just wanted to see if there are settings that can make them more realistic

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if you use pedals you can always edit the sensitivity curve of your toe brake axis to be lower than default to reduce total braking power


That’s suddenly an entirely different issue and @AwarePlot117729 provided the answer.

Thanks, trying to search for this file in the Steam version with no luck.
Any ideas where is located?

no no it is not a file, he means in the controller section, the sensitivity…ofcourse only
works if you have the brakes on an axis !!!

No, you are wrong. It’s in the systems.cfg of each aircraft.

In each default aircraft folder there are various cfg files.

You can open them with e.g. notepad.

e.g. in the C152 systems.cfg, the toe brakes are already set to 0.5 so you have to experiment with an even lower value.

toe_brakes_scale = 0.5 ; Brake scalar

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I found the folders with aircraft but cannot find a systems file