Brakes not strong enough, C172

Since the update, I have very little, almost none, braking power. So far it’s noted only on the C172 but I expect it will occur on other planes as well. I’m using the CH Pro pedals and have checked and removed all other brake assignments on other controllers. All help is appreciated. BTW, brake power has always been weak, but now its almost non-existent.

Not my experience either before or after the update. If anything I’ve felt braking force in the sim is a bit too strong because most taildraggers will flip in an instant unless you pump the brakes very delicately which results on a long landing rollout. But the 172 will stop on a dime.

this is weird, especially in the 172, braking was and still is very good.
i bet your setup is not well calibrated

i’ve tried calibrating in both windows and the sim. Can’ figure out what I’m not seeing here. I’ve noted other posts about too much braking power, also.

I did a 70 knot taxi test, and then cut power and applied brakes. Took about 12 seconds to fully stop.

Per the POH,
Using maximum braking at SL PA, the 172 takes 545 feet ground roll at 0C, going up to 625 at 40C.
At 4000’ PA the numbers are 630’ to 725’ at the same temps.
So the 172 is not going to impress most folks with it’s stopping power.


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Perhaps set a little more deadzone for your pedals. I know it cause issues with throttles and other perph from time to time if its not set high enough.

I will try that. Thanks.

I had the pedals bound to the left and right brake axis. I changed that to just the left and right brake and it seemed to help.

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