Brakes stuck after pushback!

I’m having the same issue with the IniBuilds A330.
A few days ago, I was able to taxi and fly normally, but just after the touchdown, the aircraft stopped as a jet fighter and remained stuck. Very annoying issue!

Thanks for your suggestion. I have this problem and will try the fix shortly.

still isn’t fixed for me…

Done all the above and having issues with Fenix, FBW A320/A380…

Are you using a Thrustmaster TCA quadrant?


Description of the issue: Ive been experiencing this problem for ages now and the sim is practically unplayable. After pushback, if I dont enable parking brakes and let the engines start as normal, the aircraft will move like normal but if I enable parking brakes after pushback and start the engines and disengage the brakes, the aircraft wont move at all even of TO/GA. Chocks are all removed and I’ve checked everything but the aircraft just doesn’t move at all.

If applicable, which aircraft is experiencing this issue:
All aircraft, even the Fenix A320, FBW A380, and Inibuilds A300

[PC Only] Did you remove all your community mods/add-ons? If yes, are you still experiencing the issue?
Yes i removed everything and still didn’t work. I even completely reset my sims data and still didn’t work.


How often does this occur for you (Example: Just once, every time on sim load, intermittently)?
Happens every time


Please list clear steps you took in order to help our test team reproduce the same issue:

  1. Start at gate
  2. Do cold and dark as normal
  3. After pushback enable parking brakes and start the engines and turn off parking break after engine start.


If the issue still occurs with no mods and add-ons, please continue to report your issue. If not, please move this post to the User Support Hub.

What peripherals are you using, if relevant:
Im using the Thrustmaster T Flight Hotas one

[PC Only] Are you using Developer Mode or have you made any changes to it?
Not using developer mode

[PC Only] What GPU (Graphics Card) do you use?
I use the RTX 4060 laptop gpu

[PC Only] What other relevant PC specs can you share?
I use an intel core i9 13900H with 16GB DDR5 Ram

Could you have changed the in-game flight model to Legacy?
That has the effect that you describe on several addon aircraft.

I havent changed anything to do with the inflight model.

Mod Edit Translate:

I also remain stuck even though I have removed all the right and left brakes from the keyboard, joystick and TCA quadarant. This blocks with or without GSX or any other push back addon. This is effective regardless of the airport. whether it’s after the push or having stopped at a stopping point, and it’s impossible to start again.
The only advantage to this situation is that you can take a walk on the tarmac… but what is the use of it… I was talking about not fixing this major bug and also having FS2024… may be beautiful graphically but no interest…


je reste aussi bloqué même en ayant supprimé tous les freins droits et gauches du clavier, joystick et tca quadarant. cela bloque avec ou sans gsx ou tout autre addon de push back. cela est effectif quelque soit l’aéroport. que se soit après le push ou s’être arrêté à un point d’arrêt, et impossible de repartir.

le seul avantage à cette situation est que l’on peut faire une ballade sur le tarmac… mais qu’elle en est l’utilité aucune…je parlais du fait de ne pas corrigé ce bugs majeur et aussi d’avoir fs2024… peut être beau graphiquement mais aucun intérêt…

I have the same problem, especially with all IniBuilds aircraft, though I also have had it with small planes.

For me, it seems like a problem with the parking brake, since the planes seem to be trying to move but something is stopping them. If I turn on and off the parking brake with all the power, the plane tries to move for an inch but then stops.

The truth is that this problem is very boring, since most of my flights are with airlines, with Airbus being the main ones.

For this reason, I have even stopped flying in MSFS 2024, hoping that at some point they will fix the problem, although it is not fair to pay for a simulator and not be able to use it until Asobo and Microsoft decide to help us.

The only solution that I have found, which does not always work for me, was to remove my bindings on the brakes of the rudder pedals and activate the 7 and 8 keys of the scratchpad on the break controller. In this way, I have to combine my controls (joystick, throttle quadrant, rudder pedals, and keyboard), which does not seem fair to me…