Bravo Throttle Axis 2 Issues Post Not Working

Updated to and am now having issues with Bravo Throttle Quadrant Throttle 2 Axis. The default setting no longer recognizes Throttle 2. No matter the movement of the lever, the bar on screen remains at 50% when in the controls setting. Trying to unbind and then rebind to the same Joystick L-Axis X does not solve the issue. Any ideas?

Same problem for me

Same here, I now assign via FSUIPC7 without this problem.
Can one confirm that FSUIPC7 is used, when this issue appears?
I start MSFS via FSUIPC7
I will do a test if this happens without the use of FSUIPC7

I’m not using FSUIPC at all, and I have the exact same Problem.

Well… here’s something more I have to check when I get home. Ugh.

I’m not using FSUIPC. Have tried a number of things—binding/unbinding, different USB ports, etc. Seems a software issue at this point. It’s frustrating when functionality is lost with updates!

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Just got mine delivered today. Curious are you using the honeycomb config tool?

found here:

I got it fixed yesterday. :sweat_smile: :man_shrugging:

I disconnected all my other controls (Joystick & XBox Controller).

Started the Sim with only the Bravo connected. Tried to assign Lever 2 manually to the general throttle axis over the preset list. The sim accept it. Deleted it again and used it on throttle axis 2, and it worked as well with the automatic axis/button detection.

I don’t know what i did different to the day before. Maybe some other device blocked it for the first time.

For MSFS you need only the small MSFS Bravo Tool from Aerosoft. You find it on the product page. The important thing to know about this tool is, that it only provide the LED function to the Bravo. It contains nothing more. The other config tools are only for FSX, P3D and X-Plane.

Interesting. I’ve not been able to fix though I’m not sure I fully understand how you’ve managed to reset it to work correctly.

Just disconnect all devices like Joystick, Saitek stuff ect. Only connect the Bravo, Mouse and Keyboard as well.:wink:

Check in Windows if all Axis work proper.
Start MSFS and check the input of all axis.
To compare check the movment inside “sensivity” . There press “Reset” on all axis to be sure.

Put the false axis to a different Sim axis like Throttle Axis or Throttle Axis 4 or Flap lever axis. Try the automatic detection or use the preset axis/button list below. Both worked for me.

Now I set the 2nd Throttle to the correct MSFS axis for a dual engine set up and connected my Logitech Extreme Pro 3D again.

I isolated the Bravo from other devices and that worked for me. I still don’t know what I did wrong or different on the second day. :thinking:

I wish you a merry Christmas :santa:t2:

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I had this issue and found that using “throttle 2 axis (0 to 100%)” mapping instead of the option “throttle 2 axis”. Once I moved the throttle a few times to see if it registered and it did. Then I reassigned back to “throttle 2” and now it is working.


I just got my Bravo and had this same issue. Throttle 2 axis was stuck at 50% in the Default config. At first I thought I had a defective unit, but when I went to the sensitivity settings I could see that the settings could see the full range of motion. I also confirmed with the built in Windows joystick config program, full axis is being seen.

So knowing it was MSFS I tried flip flopping the key binds for the throttles making throttle 1 be 2 and throttle 2 be 1 and it worked like this. When I switched them back they both worked properly with Throttle 1 for 1 and 2 for 2.

So I went back to the default config and did some more testing until I found out that the simplest way to fix the bug is this:

Choose Throttle 2 axsis and delete the keybind to lever 2. Then go back and re-bind Throttle 2 axsis to lever 2.

Here is a YouTube video I made showing the fix:


Would you mind posting here when you have your youtube video published?
Many thanks.

Just posted above in my original message.

Thanks. Mine’s on track for delivery 1/5 — just enough time for you to debug it!

Are you guys having trouble with the AP knob? Mine is doing weird things… changing thousands or thousands and a hundred… heading on 15 or 30 increments …

Yes this is a well documented bug. The workarounds is to use third party programs for your keybinds, or to unbind all the switches.

Lastly, you can keep everything the way it is and use your knobs for large changes in heading or altitude then use left mouse clicks on the virtual knobs inside the sim for fine tuning. This is the path I have chosen while we await Asobo to fix this.

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I did the same and it worked. Then i tried the landing in LOWI as a challenge and I noticed on Throttle 3 and 4 also not set properly.

3 and 4 are not even setup by default. See this video to setup various profiles;

Throttle arrived today and in general works pretty good. One issue has me stumped: Two engine GA prop plane (any of them) - Throttle# 1 works fine (default mapped to JoystickL-Axis Y). Throttle#2 default mapped to JoystickL-Axis X does nothing on the Controls page but works as expected on the Sensitivity setting page so the Bravo is sending info to the sim. I tried setting Throttle#2 to the same setting as Throttle#1 (MSFS2020 gave a warning but apparently changed the setting) but I still have no control over Engine#2. I can use the kybd to adjust the AC throttle but that’s only a stop-gap measure.

Any ideas anyone?


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