Bravo Throttle Quadrant and Mooney

I was lucky enough to get my hands on a Bravo Throttle Quadrant. Got it home, set it up and it’s great for the most part. However, a couple of issues hopefully someone can help me with.

  1. The functionality of the autopilot on the Bravo and the VS mode in the Mooney don’t seem to completely work. I can climb using VS with the Bravo autopilot, but the preselector in the aircraft doesn’t display my VS rate. Unless I manually use my mouse to click on the knob to show it. Is there a way around this?

  2. The altitude pre-selector doesn’t seem to work at all. Trying to select an altitude to climb to with the Bravo doesn’t do anything. The pre-selector in the aircraft won’t display anything. It just stays at 0,000 ft. Not sure if I’m just not doing something correct, or if the functionality just isn’t there. The actual “alt” button on the Bravo does function though, and will hold my altitude when pressed.

Hopefully there’s a way to make this work, as the Mooney is my main aircraft at the moment.

Everything seems to work exactly as intended with the Glass Cockpits though which is good.

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The BK KFC 150 works a bit different.

I don’t know if all the default AP controls correspond with what is in the Mooney.

This is what handles setting an altitude and VS.

I’m still futzing with it. Ill post more if I have a definitive solution

Yeah, there just doesn’t seem to be a way to select an altitude with the Mooney’s preselector using the Bravo unfortunately.

Also, is it possible to keybind “Boost Pump” and “Elevator Trim” switches that the Mooney has to the switches on the Bravo? I’ve tried locating them in the control assignments, but none of the ones I’ve tried actually work.

Elevator trim maps to the trim wheel, at least it does for me. Not sure how a switch would apply to it?

I see the same problems with the VS and altitude not displaying when selected via the Bravo’s AP controls.

I ran into the same issue with vs and altitude selection. Seems like a bug/oversight by the Mooney’s developer since those key binding are supported in the sim.

The Mooney uses electric trim from the yoke. In order to turn the electric trim on, there is a switch that needs to be turned on. There doesn’t seem to be a keybind for that particular switch.

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Don’t worry, it’s not just you. I’ve already contacted carenado about that and a couple other things…very quickly received a topic closed response and this will be passed to our dev team…whatever that means.

Now they did provide some docs about this (it’s in the Mooney folder somewhere) but if I understand it right, the ALT and the VS don’t work together. It’s one or the other. Meaning you select an altitude, and the plane will get there. OR you select a VS and the plane will climb/descend and never stop till you tell it otherwise.

The bright side is that even though you can’t see your ALT setting or VS speed, they do still work. I go by VS since that’s a lot easier to see. Push the VS button, turn the knob , watch the analog VS dial. Dial it in then just bring it back to 0 FPM when you get to whatever alt you want.

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