Broadband Download Speeds

I’m a wee bit uncertain about the broadband download requirements for MSFS2024, I have seen various figures touted on a variety of websites/videos etc. My download speeds vary slightly but average out at around 50mbps. My gut feeling is that that speed is inadequate - am I right?

Should work, but do make local cache of a solid size to make things smoother.

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Id say you’ll be fine - as long as its reliable.
because of the rolling cache it loads scenery in bursts, and this seems to keep up as long as you have 10-15mb/s.

anyway, whilst I do have pretty fast internet (300mb), I actually have my PC in a space where I cannot reliably get over 25mb, and I’ve not had any issues.
(only issues, I saw, is when there were isp issues, and it dropped to about 10mbs)

FWIW, I have a 64GB Rolling Cache in my Series X for both 2020 and 2024. Also had some success with a 32 GB RC, if you want to start lower and see what works on your Xbox. Also, I have lots of free drive space on my Series X, with 24 on the internal drive and 2020 installed on an expansion card, so there is plenty of free memory for both sim (and 2020 add ons). Cheers!

Whoops, PC thread. Back to shoveling snow outside LOL!

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I’ve monitored mine a bit, and while I’ve seen it spike as high as 234 Mbps, it’s usually 5 Mbps or less.

I suspect latency will be a bigger problem than bandwidth for many people.

Thank you folks. I don’t think that I am quite ready to move over to '24 just yet, I have neither the skills, time nor patience to act as a Beta Tester. However, it is somewhat reassuring to know that my broadband will cope reasonably well 'cos it ain’t gonna improve any time soon!! In the UK, for the most part, unless you live in a profitable catchment area for the ISPs you’re doomed to reside in a broadband desert - for ever I suspect.