Broadford Airstrip EGEI, Isle of Skye wrong name & runways

Hi, I did PM the author of the third party Broadford Aerodrome and ask him if he might update it following the new release, he’s not replied as yet.

I’m not sure what you mean by “if I still have the airport, perhaps you could zip it up”? If you mean this third party one, it’s still available for download on

The green container is a Avgas store, from the days when the club had use of a Scottish Aviation Bulldog as our training aircraft. There never was a supply of fuel available to visitors. A refuelling spot would be fine though.

The 2 red P’s are where aircraft normally park up, we rarely have lots of aircraft at any one time. The blue V is where the vehicle parking is.

The yellow striped area is strictly for SAR /Helimed helicopters, no aircraft or vehicle parking within that zone.

If it’s busy, aircraft just park on the grassy edges of the runway. It does happen occasionally though.

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Ah, now I understand. I found the airport on I see it is already an MSFS add-on. I can’t do any more than @Simwerft can do. I think it best that I will do what I can with the World Hub and the rest should be left to @Simwerft. He’s even changed the terrain, which is very nice! I’m updating the in-sim airport but his airport will overlay mine in the sim.

I have changed, added and deleted parking locations and added four Helipads per your photos and description. I will submit the updates today.

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I agree, @Simwerft did a great job, I hope he can find the time and inclination to tweak it, inline with the corrections that you have made.

Thank you so much for all your efforts with this.

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