Bug: Ronald Reagan International ATC

OMG it looks like MSFS cannot read its own Airport database !!!

That’s just TOO messed up !!!

it looks likem it may be getting the LDA, but assigning the runway heading to the LDA, instead of the Databases heading of the LDA !!!

I bet that’s what is happening …

and Littlenavmap is reading the Database correctly, and assign the correct heading to the LDA Localizer !!!

Yep. This is what happens to all offset LOC/LDAs worldwide.

Well, having now “maybe” determine what is wrong, its a real simple Fix … READ the database “Correctly” Asobo !!!

Finding the reason is the easy bit … getting ASOBO to fix it is the “banging your head on a brick wall” part !!!

How do I get the map to show the IFR map, with the ILS showing ??

only via a keystroke ???

From another thread:

Yes, the LNM diagram shows what is set in the nav data, which will be correct (at least if using Navigraph). Unfortunately that is over-ridden when actually flying the approach by a 4-byte value in the airport BGL file that forces the localizer to ignore the heading value in the nav data and assume the exact runway heading. This was a deliberate design choice by Asobo, which needs to be corrected.

OK, and I just realized your LDA screen shot was from LNM, so why is it wrong ?

I am sung LNM with the MSFS database, and it displays correctly !!!

do we have diffeenrt LNM versions ?

I am 2.6.2 beta (the latest )

The first image wasn’t mine so I can’t answer that. You’re right that LNM seems to be able to read database correctly, it’s just MSFS that can’t.

It has never bothered me that much, because I normally fly the LDA on the Localizer Nav ,and that works… I think it is only when drawing the MAP, and making the Flight Plan path, that MSFS is messing up and forcing the runway heading towards the end of the flight.

Seems pretty clear now , and all ASOBO has to do is fix it, that is probably quite trivial, if they ca get motivated to do it.

Been a blast, discussing this with you !!!

:+1: No worries mate. Fingers crossed things keep improving.


Please Asobo

(1) Read the LDA info from the database correctly, and use the LDA heading.
(2) Stop with the extrar ASOBO generated “USER” Waypoints.
(3) Stop with the strange, ASOBO curved flight plan tracks.

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Maybe I’m misunderstanding something, but I’m still not sure how you fly the LDA in MSFS. Even flying raw data, without the GPS, the LOC is simply wrong.

Here’s the LDA Z Rwy 19

At position BESSE (under the aircraft symbol) in the sim shows full scale deflection to the left.

Yet when you fly an inbound course of 185 (rwy hdg), instead of the correct course 147, the LOC indicates centered.

This brings you over downtown DC, to the east of the White House/Washington Monument.

This problem is more than just an issue on the map screen and with the GPS path. The actual LOC’s in game are aligned incorrectly.

btw, the problem had been discussed here:

" MSFS FORUM: All LDA approaches in MSFS do have wrong LOC headings"

a zendesk request had been submitted back then, but it definitely would help if more people VOTE for it.

Thats Crazy … now I will have to get on the LDA and take some pictures !!!
you going to be around for the next 10 minutes ??

now its not making any sense !!! It was OK before the last update …

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Doesn‘t little navmap get its nav data from navigraph? I‘m not sure though whether Navigraph provides a localizer heading.

I am now TOTALLY Confused,

It is now calling the LDA Frequencies ILS and not LDA
I was sure in the GNS530 (Modded one), it was calling it LDA. I am having doubts now

But yes, now the LDAs are line up with the runway !!!

OH well, Asobo needs to deal with it an get it right … Especially when they made such a big thing about doing KDCA !!

I just had LNM re-read the airport databases, now with the latest update.

It still shows correct — the offset –

The two LDA are not even set to the same runway heading !!

LDA Y !ASO 109.90 is 188 deg
LDA Z !VWH 108.50 is 195 deg

According to the GMS430

The more you look, the more you uncover that is probably wrong and inaccurate,

Is it a coincidence that the Mag var at KDCA is about 10 degrees !!!

If they suddenly call it ILS they just haven’t understood it. There are many things where I feel the developers simply lack aviation knowledge or exerienced and competent advice. Sounds harsh, not meant so, but they „fix“ things around in circles, they change it but then it‘s just different but not correct. LDA approaches are just displaced localizer approaches, unfortuntely many approaches look basically the same on the charts but pilots have to KNOW the differences. You‘d fly an LDA appr with similar modes you would use for an ILS, depending on the plane, but most of the time they lack a glide slope and they are always non precision approaches… If these things are being understood there is very little probability to make it SO wrong all the time. Aviation theory is a lot, but at least the basics must be accessable.

Do you know if a LDA is displayed as an LDA is ILS on the GNS530 display ?

OH -yes, there is a Garmin GNS530 simulator … that may show that !@

Yeah I agree completely.

I’ve said it before, but they obviously aren’t providing the actual software engineers with the aviation specific technical support/knowledge they need to implement things correctly.

OK, 100% Proof … From Garmin’s own Simulator (runniung garmin Software – NOTHING to do with Flight Sims)

GNS530 should display LDA if it is a LDA

Garmin Simulator  LDA  19  KDCA


This is what MSFS displays

Calling it a VOR !!! and display the parameters as if it were a VOR
From radial & distance

But it’s NOT a VOR, Mr MSFS GNS530

This is what the GNS530 MOD calls it (does a LOT better)

At least it calls it a Localizer, correctly like the OEM Garmin

Apparently, the SDK is lacking, in that you cannot directly get an Airport ICAO name from a nav Air at that airport. so the MOD does not current display KIAD

It looks like it is thinking its a ILS …though why ?
There is a Index of Approaches,

Approach type :[index]
0 = None
1 = GPS
2 = VOR
3 = NDB
4 = ILS
5 = Localizer
6 = SDF
7 = LDA
10 = RNAV
11 = Backcourse

So an LDA is a valid type …

So who knows what Asobo is doing … or how it is constructing airport files …

but that’s as far as I am going …

The plot thickens

KMTN is a RWY 33 Intrument approach.

The charts for it are LDA RWY 33

Localizer is 232 deg
Runway is 315

so a 6 degree Offset

But in the Real world Garmin GNS530, it displays as

ILS 33 ( Not LDA 33)

even though the LDA 19 at KDCA displays as LDA 19

So when is a LDA not an LDA , and an ILS ???

The more you look at this, the more “confusing” it gets !!!


Answer: Database in the Garmin Simulator is OLD.
Back then the RWY 33 was an ILS.
Now is considered to be a LDA.

Now the question is How old is the MSFS database … Old = ILS New = LDA

Always something new to learn …:stuck_out_tongue:

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