Building height exaggerated Melbourne - Australia

The building located at 37° 42’ 56.51" S 144° 57’ 53.77" E in Melbourne Australia has its height exaggerated, so it appears as a very tall multi-story building, when in fact it’s a two-story building.

To see the problem in the “game”, fly YMEN Essendon runway 26 ILS approach. The tall out-of-place building is on the starboard side about 6 NM from the airport.

This is the same problem identified by the World’s tallest building in Australia post on Aug 25th 2020, but the height is now lower.

Install this mod.

It was revealed that the original building represented by the Melbourne Monolith was two stories, but a user updating an open-source database “mistakenly” (suuure) entered 212 stories for the height. I’m betting there are some smart-butt kids out there doing the same thing.

Thanks for your suggestion to install this mod to fix the issue in Melbourne.
However, after reading the mod’s change log, there’s no mention of Melbourne having any problems fixed.
Have I missed something as it seemd this suggestion iton this case generates traffic to the site for advertising revenue?

I’ve had a look at the source data, that I understand Osobo Studio uses and it says 2 stories.
The change log says the number of stories was fixed in that system about 5 months ago.
So, not sure what’s going on there!

Empty the rolling cache.
If the rolling cache is enabled, the cached scenery would be used first rather than obtaining new data from the server.