Bush trip check-pointed me in the water when I crashed on the runway

I’m playing the Xbox version on an Xbox Series X

While flying the " Los Cerros to Cochrane" bush trip, I went to land at the 2nd destination (where it says land on the shorter of the 2 runways). I forgot to switch back to cockpit view and crashed on the runway.

Instead of respawning me in the air, it keeps spawning me in the water leading to an instant plane crash in the drink.

Had to completely start the whole bush trip over from the start.
Crashed again (because I’m terrible with tail draggers and am also struggling with the Xbox controller sensitivity) on the exact same runway.

This time its placing me in the middle of trees on a mountain, again instant plane crash when the game resumes.

How hard is it to position the plane in the air when you restart a landing approach??

I can’t see a reason to ever do another bush trip if this is what happens and you have to start all over each time. I’m glad I have the game on Game Pass instead of shelling out a ton of money for it…


Just happened to me. I’m on the 3rd leg of the Alaska Bush trip. I crashed. No it keeps restarting in the water. Very annoying. Did yon mange to solve the issue. I won’t be wasting my time doing the trip again.

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I did not. I eventually gave up on bush trips as they are a waste of time if it constantly does that to you.