Bush Trip - World Tour

Hello everyone! Let’s do it - our Trip arround the world. Let’s enjoy the beautiful parts of our world and let’s not forget: we have all the time in the world for it. Always a good landing and lots of fun.

Basically the usual conditions of the Bush trips apply. But here we still have the option of using the tank systems at the airports and, in the event of a weather-related impossible flight day, of influencing and switching the weather.

As usual, a stage ends with the successful landing at the destination airport and the next stage is activated. You can also land anywhere in the area, with the score being saved there when the trip is over. From here you can fly on again next time. A crash or damage to the machine leads to the termination of the flight - it can be started again from the last destination airport.

Always have a good flight and a good landing!


  + All gas stations at the airports are working
  + Refueling via the panel at the top of the game is possible
  + The weather can be set at any time with all existing presets - including "live weather"
  + 272 stages
  + Automatic storage after each stage
  + Months of flight pleasure
  + Possibility to change aircraft (via .FLT file)
  + Possibility to change the time of day (via .FLT file)
  + Multiplayer - flying with friends
  + Detailed instructions
  + German or English version - according to the game settings

Contains two versions each in German or English (either with 272 fixed storage points or with 26 fixed storage points “hard version”)

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The ATC functionality has been activated in the panel and can be used :wink:


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On the second part of the hard one, do you have to land at WP1 ? or just fly over it

Can I do this in a different plane?

yes, just follow the instructions, I have changed to a Baron B58

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I just fly over it.

My thought was to make a detour to the Faröer Islands after all the water :wink:

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Thanks, does that apply to easy version as well ?

Yes, both versions have the same Flightplan (.pln).

UPDATE version 2.0

ATC now also with voice output
Flight TIME setting possible during the Flight (through easy workaround instructions)
Flight plan automatically loads into the aircraft
Flight plan display in MFD-Display possible through add-on