Bush Trips & Autorudder

Hi All,

First off I’d like to say how much I love the concept of the bush trips! I started flying one today but soon found a serious problem.

I fly with auto rudder enabled as I do not have any rudder pedals, and my joystick/throttle combination does not have an axis to map this to. When flying the bush trips, the Piloting assistance group gets set to hard and auto rudder is disabled, with no option to enable it.

This makes takeoff and landing in most aircraft impossible.

Can we allow auto rudder for these missions please? I know it affects the difficulty but I think making the mission more accessible to people without rudder enabled hardware would be much more impactful.

Kind regards,


Agreed. Just started the California trip yesterday and had huge issues getting the Cub off the ground. Kept veering into the trees even with rudders mapped on Xbox controller as they are currently not working correctly.