Is there any sort of saving for Bush Trips?
I would assume so given the length.
Trying to select “Return to Menu” after a leg displays a big ominous warning though
Is there any sort of saving for Bush Trips?
I would assume so given the length.
Trying to select “Return to Menu” after a leg displays a big ominous warning though
Yes, it saves your progress automatically, to the cloud or something. No input required by you. However, back in the test builds, there were some glitches. Don’t know if they’ve been fixed yet. However, you could work around them.
Basically, if you quit after landing a leg, next time you open the trip it would show the next leg (which you hadn’t flown yet) as complete but the active leg back at leg #1. So, you just had to click on the leg that would be next and hit RESTART FROM HERE. Easy peasy.
Like i said, I don’t know if this has been fixed. But if it hasn’t, now you know what to do.
It’s been working fine for me - I’ve done various stages through several game sessions without issue.
The other thing is to make sure you come to a complete stop on the runway after you land. Don’t roll to the gate and then stop. It seems to only register the leg as completing if you stop on the runway.
In my experience, exiting the leg before completion might break POI description. When I continued first leg of Nevada trip after exiting over Lake Isabella, my NavLog showed only POIs starting from Lake Isabella (POI4), but description texts were from the start, so last 3 POI descriptions were missing.
Seems like when I start the bush trip I’m already in the air now. Is there a way to fully reset it?
You can reset progress by deleting save files located at /Microsoft Flight Simulator/MISSIONS/ACTIVITIES/
There is no such folder. I have the same issue; a flight starts in the air and I can’t restart it.
Go to the below and you should see a save folder. Delete it and it will reset your progress.
I’ve tried it and it works.