Bush Trips unusable for me

I consistently get bush trips set at night or dusk. It may not be the first or second leg but eventually I’ll get a leg that takes off at night. I haven’t been able to complete any of them. It makes landing at unlit airstrips impossible…can’t admire the scenery either :frowning:

Has anyone else had this problem?, Anyone found a solution? Anyone got any suggestions?

Thanks in advance folks :slight_smile:

Just tested it… there is no weather control, at start and also not in flight. No time set option.

Where do you live ? Try set your local PC time to night, start the simulator ? :shushing_face:

Thanks for the suggestion ArcanePython,
I’m south coast UK.

I’ll give your suggestion a go.

btw what bush trip did you see it at the start ? are you sure it is not part of the challenge ? In the past I did see some specific start of time on landing challenges, but I assumed that was per design (?) it should not depend on your location, actually. I just started the Finland Bush trip, that gives daylight for me.

I only have the first 3 (Patagonia, Balkans and Nevada) but every leg of those was daylight/clear weather.
(Am southern Sweden based, flying for those bush trips took place at all sorts of times day/night for me and this has zero influence of the set up for the flights. I was sure it was just the preset time/weather.

Which ones are you seeing evening flights on?

During the entire Nevada bush trip, it always seemed to be the same time at mid-day. However, I recall the Alaska trip several times I went to fly a leg and it was too dark to start it. It’s strange now that you mention it… I thought it always used current time but after flying Nevada it does not seem to. Maybe I should try Alaska again?

Start bush trip leg.
Press ESC

general options > developers
turn ON developers mode and save changes
go back > resume
click options and change local time slider

Click [DevMode] and exit dev mode


Thanks for the replies so far.
Rijeka to Santorini is the flight I would like to do and have tried most often but I have tried the others with the same results.

Correct me if I’m wrong but I don’t think landing at some of these unlit very basic grass strips is possible in the dark.
Thought these trips were VFR anyway?

I can’t find any way to adjust time or conditions anywhere…stumped.

Because no one else seems to have this problem I guess it must be a problem with my setup?

Source https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/norway-bush-trip-night-time-departure/412386/3

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Several posts have been made in the past regarding this, easiest way out is simply take off, climb to 500-1000 feet and crash into the ground. When you start over, it should be in daylight…

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I had this happen to me with the Nevada bush trip. Suddenly it was the middle of the night. Wasn’t sure how to fix it so I moved on to other things in FS and never finished it. Plus, it’s one where you actually have to use some dead reckoning since the Savage Cub doesn’t have a GPS and it was easy for me to get lost now and then.


Got my wife and kids on board. You’re cruel and heartless :upside_down_face: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Thanks folks for your help :slight_smile:

Thanks Ten Patrol. Your workaround seems to have done the trick. :slight_smile:

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You can try to go to your config directory, in my case (Steam installation) it’s under

C:\Users[MyProfile]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator

This has a subdirectory MISSIONS\ACTIVITIES where you find the missions you started at least once.

Next, got into the subdirectory for the corresponding mission. There are several further subdirectories, depending on your progress. The relevant one is always the one without any _0001, _0002… at the end. Go into this subdirectory to find a .flt file wich contains the settings for the next leg. There is a block [DateTimeSeason] where you can edit “Hours” and other entries.

Taking the (payware) Okavanga Addon as an example, the proper file is under


And as we are on this. Sometimes the Navlog is missing upon start of a leg, making it virtually useless. In this case you can copy the complete [OriginalFlightPlan] block from the oldest .flt file with the highest numer, e.g. _0002, into the file named above.

Taking again the Okavanga Addon as an example. Copy the complete [OriginalFlightPlan] block from


(or whichever your oldest is), to


This last finding is not originally from me but I’ve learned it from another contribution here on the form.

If you choose the developer mode to change time (and/or plane), which can be done, there is a chance your completed legs will not be granted.

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You’re welcome.

Would this not invalidate a Bush trip achievement?

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Click [DevMode] and exit dev mode

Glad it’s sorted. It’s a work around that negates the bug.

Not really interested in the awards for completion anyway but having just completed a previously dark leg it gives me the notification that that leg is completed…and I enjoyed the scenery in daylight.

I generally only have half an hour at a time to use the sim. The bush trips are ideal for this. Bush trips also solve the problem of “where to fly next”

Thank you all :slight_smile:

Just a few random thoughts on bush trips in general:

  • I completed the Nevada bush trip - there were several legs which did not give the check mark as complete. I had to turn on developer mode, start at the leg prior to the one I just completed, and teleport to both the prior leg and the completed leg airports.

  • Teleporting to a couple of the legs put me near but not on the runway, so the leg would not complete until I taxied onto the runway. The developer mode indications were needed to figure out exactly where the runway was.

  • Upon completion of the last leg, there was a “Bush Trip Completed” banner but I did not notice any achievements related to the trip. I flew each leg myself (only teleporting to correct the bug mentioned above) and never used “back on track” feature.

  • I am now starting the France bush trip in the DA-40NG. It’s quite a step up from the Savage Cub! The big thing I noticed is the bush trip route is programmed into the flight director in the Garmin nav system. So, it’s possible to just turn on the autopilot and let the plane fly the route and do absolutely no flying, except maybe landing. It’s a huge change from the 100% hand flying I did in Nevada. I hope this trip does not get boring. I guess I can still hand fly it if I want to. I’m just surprised that the developer put the route into the Nav in the first place.