C152 Fidelity

I am a new comer to MSFS running on XBox Series X. My interest in MSFS is to supplement my learning to fly in a series of Cessna 152 aircraft (RPL/PPL). I have however been struck by differences in C152 performance in the simulator.

For example, the RPM settings (in MSFS) seem to be very different than what I would expect from the aircraft. In an real-life C152, I can easily start taxiing at 1,000 RPM, whereas in the simulator I need to set 1,400-1,500 RPM. Conversely, lower RPM settings appear to be required in the air in the simulator compared to what I would expect in real-life. More critically however, the approach speed mandated in the simulator seems much lower (and closer to stall speed) than what I would expect in real-life.

Is there any way to improve the fidelity of the simulation of aircraft? I am aware of an alternate C152 package available from JPL, but this is not something that is presently available to me on XBox.

Unfortunately you have no options on Xbox like the pc has. Sorry about that.