Icing all the time, is there anything i can do for it, i wanna fly with realistic weather in my homecountry (winter is coming).
Well, low temperature and humidity can or will lead to icing. So it is a question of your local weather conditions and your height. Temperature decreases when flying higher, so maybe stay lower. Avoid clouds, of course.
Sometimes the weather conditions just want allow you to fly with an aircraft like the C152.
I don’t think the c152 is rated for icing conditions.
Nothing you can do other than not fly in these conditions.
(…of course you can disable the icing effects in the options, but then you lose ‘realism’)
Is there a such option? There is +5celsius now, icing is overdone and there is no possibility on icing. I flew under 1000feet and not even in clouds, icing is overdone.
Really? Lose realism with the hilariously overdone icing effects occuring at the most unrealistic moments? You’d gain a lot of realism if you could just get rid of it!
Seems to be a personal problem.
I don’t have problems with icing other than in situations where I expect there to be icing (e.g. cold & flying through clouds)
Last two days i got icing after takeoff, +5c warm. How there can be icing? I cannot fly in my homecounry anymore with realistic weather because overdone icing, i really hope that graphical windowicing can be turned off.
Yep, can happen at +5 degrees.
No. It cannot, i cannot even see outside windows when i got 500feet. Very unrealistic.
well then you have a lot of reading regarding ‘aviation’ in front of you.
I let google be your friend.
Didn’t find any google results about (window) icing in clear air at +5°C.
Could you please provide a link?
Come on, if you fly in icing conditions ice is building up on the side of the fuselage, behind the leading edges and on the side windows. That won’t happen in real life.
Go fly in icing conditions and turn off windshield anti-ice, the side windows start to freeze. First of all those windows are not heated anyway and second they will never pick up ice in real life.
The icing effects in MSFS is what you would expect to see when parking the aircraft over night in icing conditions (frost).
No it won’t, maybe during descent after flying with low temperature at cruise but not in the conditions the OP is describing.
I have been flying (accidentally) in icing conditions with small single engine props. Have never seen any ice building up on the windshield like that, just turn on the windshield demisting and should not be any problem.
The way it looks like in MSFS is completely unrealistic, it would look like a kind of rime ice in real life not clear ice / frost type of ice as in MSFS.
It seems to me the Asobo team has really paid attention to what icing looks like, unfortunately they did so on the ground after a cold night, arriving at a frost covered aircraft.