C172 avionics switches

Tried to fly the C172 so I can adjust my yoke sensitivity settings but could not get 1 of 2 avionics switches to toggle on. The one that’s on powers the GPS, the other powers the autopilot and radios. So, I have no autopilot or radios. I check to see if I had another button map to avionics, I did and I removed it. But it continues to not work. When I click on it, the switch doesn’t move, but the lights for the autopilot and radios flickers on then off. Anyone knows what is going on ?

  • Which C172
  • What hardware are you using
  • What software are you using to interface that Hardware.
  • What non default binding have you set in MSFS

Does it work correctly, with no added hardware and an empty community folder ?

Given the context, I’d say it’s the steam panel.