since the SU7, the AP in the C172 Classic no longer works. Starting a flight, then setting the flight level still works, but activating the AP afterwards does not work. Does anyone have the same error?
Does the AP not work att all?
Can you set a heading, choose HDG and AP? Does that work?
Thanks for the answer. I can only adjust the flight level knob.When I press the AP button a short flicker and nothing happens. AP does not turn on and all other buttons have no function.
Do you have the same problem with the Cessna 172 with G1000?
no - only with the C172 without G1000.
Pity that you can not reinstall Asobo aircraft separately after, as with X-Plane 11
Hello Jorgen, do you have any idea for the problem solution. on this way best wishes for a healthy new year
Cant you delete the C172 sp classic in content manager and redownload it.
Maybe this make the problem to go away.
I use this plane all the time for it is my favorite, and have no problem wiith the AP at all.
Hope this does the trick for you
thanks for the tip.I also like to fly with the C172 Classic. In MSFS Content Manager I could not uninstall the C172 Classic, was not offered. Only the 4 Liveries, like C172 -01 + Kenmore + Xbox Aviations Club and Pilots Club I could uninstall. The C172 Classic was still in the selection. The “Asobo-aircraft-c172sp-classic” folder is still in the MSFSPACKAGES/OFFICIAL/ONESTORE - path. Can I delete this one without any problems or will I crash the simulator. i would be grateful for an answer.
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Im 30 miles out from Aberdeen Scottland, as soon as i land, i will try to explain to you
Maybe it is easier to delete the premium deluxe content, here is why
I would first make a copy of the selected folder, Asobo-aircraft-c172-classic and the ones with the livery-01, aviators, kenmore and xbox-aviators back these up to where u want, after that you could delete them,
I did it just now but after deleting it and restarted the sim i got presented to reinstall this premium de luxe again ( i guess i deleted all extra planes which come with that version coz if i dont fly them i will install them when i want to fly them ) anyway i denied the reinstall, shut it off, and brought my backedup c172 sp just copied it back in the official onestore folder, than fired up the sim and everything is working as before.
i hope you had a smooth landing in aberdeen.
I solved the problem with the AP. Tried everything again and finally found that the button on my Honeycomb Alpha Yoke disabled the AP.
Now I always check the Alpha Yoke first after restarting the sim.
Thanks for your effort and explanation with uninstalling and reinstalling aircraft folders in ONE STORE folder. For another problem it is good to know.
Have a good start in the new year 2022
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Thanks the landing in Aberdeen went well, had to fly very low on approach, for the clouds and fog were dense as i flew vfr.
Im happy to hear your problem with ap is solved, actually its good to have a pre-flightplan concearning start up the computer, like update Windows check, update xbox,Windows playstore check, usercfg.opt check, calibrate periphals check, xbox service (nat) check.
Start sim check, etc, etc.
Anyway, have a good start of this coming new year 2022 for you to
And above happy landings, have good health.