C172 steam gauge comms issue

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Brief description of the issue:
When I change frequencies in com 1 it changes the frequency for com 2 in the steam gauge c172 is there anyway to stop this?

Working fine here. How are you changing the frequencies? Are you using the ATC window to control frequencies? I’ve seen this do weird things in the past.

I using the COM/VLOC knob

Just a guess here…


When adjusting the freq are you seeing the light blue number change, instead of the dark blue one?

This is proper behavior. Light blue number is the standby freq. Press the button with the two arrows to swap between standby and active.

This is to allow you to preset your next freq and then switch with a button press when instructed/required.

yes I am seeing the light blue change in both com 1 and com 2

Sounds very much like that ATC related bug I saw. Try reloading the flight and setting the ATC to disabled just to test.

that seems to work thank you