Cache questions

My internet is slow so intend downloading areas to help with online content.

Have rolling cache now configured and running on a created folder on a 1TB SSD. (Currently set at 50gb)

My questions are…

1/ What size rolling cache should I set? (Have approx 600Mb left for all cache types)

2/…Can I select a different folder to the rolling cache folder or can it be the same folder? Will this work?

3/… Does download cache even work atm (pre update)?

Advice…best way to setup cache? 200GB rolling and 200GB manual? Leaving 200GB for content update etc.
Says can increase manual cache size in the option when set it …but does this affect already cached files or create new

Looking forward to official guide as all seems a bit vague to me.

Wanting to do manual cache to help save on it downloading terrain and open bandwidth for other online features.

TIA for any advice.

Hi - not answering your question, but a different idea:
I you have nothing but 600Mb left on your SSD, you should reduce your rolling cache slightly. While it’s been a while that I studied SSD reviewes/oppinions, I believe the recommendation is to leave “some” space left (10% of the capacity if possible) to let it “breathe”.
Sorry for high-jacking the thread.

No problem.
It’s a new 1Tb dedicated to FS.
However I do understand about not using 100%
Just looking to ask what’s best option.
Don’t want to set too small rolling cache incase that can’t be enlarged.
Settings say manual can.

Edit…same location for manual and rolling or separate folders?

From what i can gather, the Rolling and manual cache should not be utilized much at the same time. I do not see how it would matter where they are placed.

The size of the manual cache would depend on how much data you feel you’ll be downloading, and how long you’ll think you’ll need to keep them. So far the areas I have saved are very small…but I do realize others would be huge.

Maybe you start smaller (10-15GB, or shoot - you have 600GB (or do you really mean 600 MB??, maybe 50-100GB each?) and increase size as needed? It is not an issue to increase the sizes of either cache, but decreasing is an issue.

True… not sure if an option available to increase rolling cache but will look later.
Thanks for advice.

Hello friends, I have a query to ask you, there are several posts on different topics of rolling cache and manual cache.
I haven’t found a way to configure them correctly yet and now I have a problem with the manual cache.

“just in case” I made a 250Gb cache and to my surprise the two sectors I made in HD occupy very little. They told me that you can’t go down but you can increase the cache size.
It is also quite annoying (VERY ANNOYING) the time it takes to demarcate the area with different zoom levels. Obviously, if we download it it is because we will use it and we want the best quality, right?

Well, I managed to change them from an HD disk to another SD, but the process was quite slow to the point that I almost shut down the computer!

Now, a peculiarity happens to me … I have only 2 zones with manual cache, one is the Jorge Newbery Airport in the city of Buenos Aires (ICAO: SABE - SADP- SADF- SAEZ, etc.) And the other is the airport of the Argentine Patagonia and capital of the province (Río Gallegos, ICAO: SAWG). It is a place with many treacherous winds to have good challenges and gusts that are fun to achieve better landings … you know, if you land well in the difficult, how much more will we land well in a normal airport !.

If you see the image that I attach, SAWG and SABE appear, but also another that has nothing, it cannot be marked and erased and obviously no matter how much I mark it, it doesn’t work. Obviously it is a mistake but it is annoying and I would not want to have problems doing other areas later.
Does anyone have any idea why it appears and how it can be removed. If not, unfortunately I will have to do a new manual cache and delete what I currently have. An ugly job!
I am waiting for your answer
Saludos.daniel “wolf” patagonia argentina