Camera toggling also include the avatar

When start up I’m often enter in showcase mode and can not return to the avatar to do the walk around to start the flight. I have to restart and hope that I can enter the avatar. So what if we can have a camera switch between cockpit, showcase, drone and avatar please.

I’ve had this happen to me too. I’d also suggest including a toggle-able indication of what camera is in use - it is not obvious at times. @JamalOne1: Don’t forget to vote for your own wish! :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’ve been stuck in showcase mode a few times. Opening the camera window and clicking between cockpit, external, and showcase tabs will get me back in the plane. At that point I could do a walk around if I wanted.

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Sometimes It will not change so I have to restart.

Yup - Same here!

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Toggling character and cockpit mode using the SHIFT+C does not work while my Saitek X52 is connected. What the issue is I’m not sure about yet. But there must be a conflicting bindings here. But if I disconnect the X52 then I’m able to leave the cockpit to the avatar. And if I’m in character mode I can connect the X52 and jump in to Cockpit using SHIFT+C but not out while X52 is connected.