Can Anyone Tell Me Why This Happens?


All flight long, my AP has had zero issues, general it doesn’t have issues. But every once in a while it will just decide to skip the last few ways points that are in the flight computer and instead lock straight onto the runway. No big deal I guess as I can manually select heading but my question is why does this happen in the first place??

Asobo have said it’s pilot error because you don’t know what you’re doing, or not doing it properly. Q and A from a few months ago.

Make what you will of that.

Lol. How is it " user error" when I am pointing all the way points in the flight comp, and AP decides to skip the last few and go straight to runway? I fail to see your logic here

As I made clear, it is not MY logic.

Seen this error several times and it’s not pilot error. Just another case of what I think is a autopilot problem.

Just happened to me on the A320 a couple a flights ago. Last time must’ve been two/three weeks ago on a 787. I fly the A320 most of the time and stick to procedure. I’d say its 99% chance it’s not user error as I am using the same procedures every time and it only happens now and then. Last time it didn’t even allow me to fly to waypoints via AP, so I landed by hand.

What I noticed though last time was that the whole route disappeared for a quick moment and I also needed to get new IFR clearance. I didn’t even touch any controls, and with almost all other flights I didn’t encounter these problems. Edit: And I flew on all assigned flight levels, so I wasn’t ignoring ATC and my XPDR was properly set.

Yea, as far as I am concerned, it’s nothing I am doing wrong. That dude is just being mean I guess, seeing as he is not giving me any advice and just keeps saying it’s “user error” while not giving any advice as to how to fix the problem which is clearly giving off signals that he knows how to fix. Society today boys and girls :joy: Kind of hard for one to understand how it could be user error without giving guidance on how to fix it… If it were user error it would be happening EVERY flight now wouldn’t it?? But it doesn’t.

I just flew EDDL - LFSB with a A320 and had no problems, for testing I even ignored ATC between descent and catching ILS. And I did the exact same thing I always do, so I clearly don’t think it’s user error.