Can not download the mandatory update as it keeps looping

Not really new to Flight sims been using various sims for years. Decided to try the MSFS as the last one I had was Flight Simulator X. But I must say I am bitterly disapointed at the service I have received from Microsoft and Zendesk. Although I installed it 3 days ago I have not had a chance to play the game, I had to resort to X Box team to get the program to load and to give them credit they sorted it. Howehave been trying too download the mandatory update , in fact my PC has been on constantly for 3 days it gets to a point best was 20% and then loops so I have to shut down and restart and can I get any assistance no I cannot XBOX says its zendesk and they dont reply!
So it seems I have wasted my money unless any of you guys can assist please.

Hello @Blackeunos9129,
Welcome to the forums!

Zendesk is operated Monday-Friday business hours. Although, sometimes they respond outside of that.

I have advanced your Trust Level so that you are able to create a new topic seeking assistance. :+1:

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Thanks for the reply I logged a request 8 hours ago with no reply to date.

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Hello Blackeunos9129. Welcome to MSFS. My name is Rich. I’m retired, on most days. Xbox s.
A Co-Pilot in the sim Forum.
I can assist with the sim.
First, in stall the sim. Go to content manager, download World Update 1, Japan. Restart the console.
Continue with the WU updates. Shutting down each time.
Add me if you like.


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Thanks for the info Rich, Like you I am retired and spending the kids inheritance, unfortunately I cannot get into the sim until I install the mandatory update it will not allow me past that point unless you can tell me how to beat it. I am on a windows PC not Xbox which could be the reason.

Hello @Blackeunos9129,
I have moved some posts out of the welcome new simmers topic and into an area for assistance.


Would you maybe look into this guide for me? And are you able to get into the simulator or just into the Installation Manager screen?

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Sorry Rich, I don’t want to pull apart your post but the OP is using a PC not a console, and on a PC, you do not need to restart after every World Update, that is insane. Who told you to do that!

@Blackeunos9129 I think the installer has changed, whereby it does attempt to redownload files. I’m not sure if an error was detected in the checksum but it does seem overly senstive. I downloaded the sim on a second PC on Saturday with a 60Mbit connection and it basically took the whole day because it was re-downloading content pretty frequeantly.

I would say even though this is slow, it is doing the job. I got the sim downloaded without any intervention. If restarting everytime gives you piece of mind the sim is moving forward with the download, that’s ok but I don’t think it’s necessary. Better to probably pause the sim and restart your router instead, but be patient, it should complete eventually.

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I have read the guide and taken on board we’re required. I can only get to the update manager page to download the mandatory update and hats were the problem starts. The downloads speed and connection are fine.


Basic troubleshooting: How to troubleshoot packages installation & decompressing issues – Microsoft Flight Simulator Support (

How to troubleshoot packages installation and decompressing issues - Stuck on “big files” – Microsoft Flight Simulator Support (

How to troubleshoot packages installation and decompressing issues - Stuck on “small” package – Microsoft Flight Simulator Support (

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thanks for the suggestions I have read and tried all the options with no luck.

A suggestion that’s been made before and it worked for me when I once had a similar problem.
Watch the download bar and you’ll spot the file that keeps looping - make a note of it, it’s more than likely corrupted which is causing the looping. Exit the download and open the MSFS folder in File Manager - using the search facility find the file that is causing the problem and delete it.
Then restart the sim and it will carry on the update from where it left off, replacing the now missing file and hopefully load it correctly allowing the update to complete.

Thanks Terry, I have tried this with two issues, usually the file that is causing the issue disappears once the flight sim has been stopped. I even tried trying to delete when the sim is running off cause it can’t because the file is in use. Then when the sim is stopped it says the file is there anymore. Also it puts the download back to the start, annoying when you’ve got to 15-20 g.

Hello Stewart.
Could be. Not sure about pc. Post a message in the help tech support area.


Already in here :slight_smile:

How big is the download so far?

This can be done by going to your APPDATA folder and going to the MSFS folder and clicking “properties”

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As we k the total townload according to the instalation manager screen is just under 35gb. total in the “official” folder is gb which of cause includes the original download files. I have found that by pausing the download then switching off the router few seconds and the reverse it it does seem to keep it going when it has stalled.

Sorry missed words should have said “as we speak”total in official folder 100gb

Finally got it downloaded and installed late last night. Zendesk suggested run without virus checker and to use a VPN this I did and it seemed to work. Not really something I would have chosen to do but it worked. Thanks for all the comments and assistance much appreciated. Now to get on with the sim!

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Might be an idea to update your virus checker. I seem to remember a few months ago there was a Windows update that bothered some anti virus programmes, needed an update to sort it.

Thanks for the advice Terry, I use AVG which updates itself on a regular basis, so it’s always up to date.