I create the flight plan in the EFB and load it to avionics but how do I get the autopilot to follow the route? Am I doing it wrong? I thought if you send the flight plan to avionics that you just press autopilot and it follows the flight plan.
It probably will if we had the Pilot Assistant as before (AI pilot) but it seems they remove it… (remember in the topbar?)
No, pressing “Autopilot” just turns on the autopilot.
If you want it to follow a flight plan, press NAV. If you want it to manage altitude then press ALT. There is a lot more to getting it to follow and altitude than that so I’d recommend one of the thousands of Youtube videos about autopilots. Try and find one about the aircraft you’re flying. Different autopilots have different features.
I was quite capable of using the autopilot in 2020 to follow a flight plan, but it’s simply not working for me in 2024 in the C172. Everything looks correct but it simply won’t follow the path. Even HDG mode doesn’t work.
Same here. I’ve been making myself crazy cause I can only get 1 plane (king air) to follow the flight plan.
In the jetliners, do you press LNAV or VNAV? It doesn’t seem to work in the 747-8 or the Boeing 787-10
LNAV if I want lateral guidance and VNAV for vertical. So usually both.
Did you have SIDs or STARs that have altitude constraints setup?
If you don’t know how to use them then you really should look at a video.
I pressed them in the Boeing 747-8 and Boeing 787-10 and they don’t work. It only works in the 737-8 Max.
Finally got this working myself. Took a while to brute force it.
Initial state:
When i looked at the LEGS menu option in the FNMS console i saw the first entry was (3000) and the waypoint was moving around as the plane moved.
So i needed to select the next waypoint somehow.
What i did was i typed in the waypoint i wanted my plane to fly to next with the keypad and clicked the left topmost button on the FNMS in order to select the waypoint.
Next i made sure VNAV and LNAV was enabled + CMD was enabled