Can we please have dynamic weather presets in MSFS 24?

Customizable Weather presets that change over time would take the sim to the next level.
Presets currently only offer a very static experience.

A multiplier to increase change in time of day would be a great addition too.
So you could simulate a flight starting in the morning and ending during sunset with changing weather conditions within a reasonable time frame.


I’ve always wanted to fly through an afternoon thunderstorm in Death Valley.

Seriously, though…isn’t that what Live Weather already gives us?

You mean like a TAF? You could have clear skies at the beginning of your flight, but a few hours later there could be storms, and showers. How would you manage that though? Purely time based, or destination based?


It could be time based.
Set different weather conditions at different times of day and interpolate between them as time passes.

This is a fairly common feature in racing games for example.

And no, live weather is no substitute for this.

We are organizing weekly glider group flights and a feature like this would be absolutely amazing for us.


Rex “Weather Force” has the option for Dynamic weather profiles.

REX Weather Force

Metar-Based Dynamic Real-Time Weather Engine

INCLUDES Dynamic Weather Presets

I cannot see Asobo being able to, or being allowed to, spend the time/money/resources to develop anything as Comprehensive , built into the sim… just not cost effective for them to do.

And its already available, for those that want it, developed AND SUPPORTED by a recognized, professional MSFS developer ( Rex Simulations

Look no further than REX Simulations - the premier developer and industry leader in flight simulation environment software* for popular platforms like Microsoft Flight Simulator,*

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I am aware of REX weather force, but you can’t customize the dynamic presets that come with REX.

And even if you could, we can’t force everyone in our community to install a payware mod to have the same weather conditions during our glider group flights.

If they built this into the sim it would be a great way to distinguish MSFS2024 from MSFS2020, as it would show some progress in the weather simulation, and i don’t believe it would be very expensive to develop.


I wonder how much cloud storage space it would take to record global weather. It would be great to be able to have historical weather.

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Given that clouds are fairly big… Quite a bit of storage space would be needed.

Sorry, I’ll see myself out.


Fortunately clouds compress really well.

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Every time you assume…

I see absolutely no reason why they “cannot” or be “allowed” to simply add a Random or Dynamic Weather Option to the Preset Menu.

Please expand further on why you think this way,
Thank you.


Because after 3 year, they still have not …

That’s not a specific reason is it!? They’ve not done many things after 3 years but nothing suggests they’re not “allowed” or “cannot”.


If you WISH to have it, make a WISH post in the Wish section of the forum and see how votes you get…Good Luck