Can you please help me with DC6 Operations Centre?

By the time i got DC6 whenever i launch the Op Centre,all get is this empty screen so i can’t do anything with it.
I updated it through its folder (app Data etc,admin rights etc) yet it is updated but not fuctional.
Server ping is green as you may see but nothing else.I can’t install liveries or anything

Anyone else?

Please MANUALLY UPDATE the OC as per the pinned post in the PMDG Forum.

I am already writing that i DID that and nothing happens

there is a solution, saw it on their forum

Yes.I am coming after their forums who just say to update manually.Yet nothing happens

nope i dont mean that post, it has to do with charcter resolution or so, it worked for
many people.

I just found the solution.
You have to go to right click the app,go to properties and enable DPI compatability to be arranged by the system and not the app.
That was odd.

yes that was it, great you found it,but uh shouldnt it work wit those settings too.??..haha

What can i say? Those who made it must know better.
All i got was an empty screen,before that DPI option i mean