Cannot assign switches on Honeycomb Bravo

I have just discovered that I cannot assign the switches in the Honeycomb bravo quadrant. When you try, the sim freezes and you have to shut down. This is following the Update 5.

Hi @MaxJet60!

I’ve moved your post to #bugs-and-issues:hardware as it’s more appropriate for your issue :+1:

Also, there’s a hotfix to the sim releasing in a couple of hours, so you may find that helps with your issue.

The ‘Hotfix’ did not resolve the issue.

+1 to this as well

I’m unable to assign keybinds to either my Alpha or Bravo. Trying to assign controls either causes the sim to lockup

I may have found a workaround!

If you’re assigning a toggle switch, de-toggle it after you assigned it

i.e if you want to assign the first toggle switch to turn on anti ice, when you flip the switch to assign in, flip it the other way. Should work then


Can someone advise how to resolve?
The latest update did not retain my Controls profiles, e.g. the Honeycomb Bravo.Will there be a hotfix?!

Yes! Thank you. This was indeed the issue for me.

After installing the bravo and changing settings for e.g. landing lights the system freezes. I discovered that the problem occured while my alfha yoke is connected and also has switches for landing lights. I solved the problem by disconnecting the alpha yoke. Changing the landing lights setting in the bravo throttle to another (or none) could now be saved. Be aware that NOT it works for default profiles, so make first your own profiles for your plane.
May be it solves freezing for you too.

Yes, this is the solution I always use. Or it is also possible to select manually the Switch number