I cannot fly level - I keep using the left stick up and down and altitude and speed goes up and down massively and is not stable.
I think this is to do with the trim. The controller says the button to use is RB and the right stick to adjust trim but when I do this nothing happens. I don’t know if you have to use these buttons in any way to get trim to work
I go inside the cockpit - press A to interact with the trim - but even here when I use the right stick the trim cannot be changed - the numbers just vibrate and stuck on 0.0
The plane is a Cessna 152 - same as that in tutorials - and device is x box one series s
All I want to do is fly straight, stable and in the same direction without using the left stick
If anyone can help or direct me that will be great
Try to switch off the autopilot even if the plane you fly does not have it - on some planes, the autopilot presents in the background and if you press a key that is bonded to the autopilot it will come ON and keep your trim. This happens to me often when I fly ASOBOs L-39Cs - some of them have the autopilot and some do not and some of my bindings for the VieweTracker are the same I use for the autopilot, and if I press a button to switch ON the ViewTracker it switches ON the autopilot even if it is “missing” on the panel of the plane. So, try, maybe this can help you.
I don’t know how to do this
I can take off and get in the air fairly Ok in the Cessna 152 - but what do I need to do next to get stable flight in terms of altitude, speed and direction - without handling the left stick
I know that button A and B control power and left stick controls plane direction and nose. I know that trim is a way of getting the plane to fly stable without having to use the left stick - but I cannot get this to work
I need to know what buttons I press on the x box controller to achieve this - single presses or buttons pressed together etc - so the flight is stable
Ah, X-box. I think you really need a keyboard if there is any for this platform. Unfortunately, I am not familiar with X-box controllers at all. On my PC there is the button “Z” assigned on the keyboard to switch OFF the autopilot. Also, there may be other than autopilot reasons for your issue, let’s hope someone with an X-box controller helps you.
Do you have on ai auto-trim turned on. If you do turn it off. It is found in the assistance options menu.
At any time whilst flying the Cassna hold in RB (top right bumper button) whilst moving right stick up (to bring nose down) or down (to move nose up). Small adjustments and wait for plane to react.
This does not work.
In the assistance options - piloting is medium so AI auto trim is off
I am holding down the RB button and moving the right stick up and down but trim is not changing