While in VR and using World Map I cannot load or save flight files. I see an hourglass cursor and the application stalls. Anybody a solution for this? Outside VR I have no problems with this.
Same problem except for me the VR screen goes dark grey/black.
I can see on the PC that it has opened a documents tab in prep to save or load but it is under the VR PC screen and cannot be accessed to open.
Only option is to close all screens on the PC.
I suspect it might have something to do with running full screen mode on MSFS2020
Cannot load or save a flight, Can not use any saved flight for VR use regardless of procedure.
I realize now that I have an Oculus quest which is not an Windows Mixed Reality headset. This might the problem. I read that MSFS 2020 VR is optimized for WMR and the HP Reverb G2 specifically. That is why I ordered the HP Reverb G2 now as well. I hope to receive it somewhere in january and hope my problem(s) will disappear.
It’s the same with G2, while in VR you cant load/save flights (no steam).
Also flights are not logged when you land in VR. I lost an completed flight from Boston to Philadelphia today. Must observe this further.
I use a oculus cv1 and I can not save a or load a flight also.The save load window will not appear in the cockpit although it is there open in the background.You can alt tab and bring it up ,just refuses to let you mouse click or even tab to get to the file you want to load/save.Not sure if it is something to do with oculus prog or msfs.I have tried running in windowed mode and still no joy.I notice the msfs game does not appear as a recent game played in oculus.May have to wait for a fix.Currently trying updating to the latest version of windows 10.Not that hopeful it will change anything.
I have found the following workaround:
- use MSFS in Windowed display mode
- when in VR use CTRL + TAB to exit out of VR session
- use World Map to load or save flight files
- use CTRL + TAB to enter VR session again
It is relative easy to do and I can live with it for now. I did file a request at MSFS zendesk and hope they will make the flight files accessible from within VR session.
Thanks for this Devjack really helped.I can now get back to flying.
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