Cant open the sim with Oculus Rift s

Hey guys,
I installed the new update and wanted to fly with my rift s.
I opend the rift software, then ms fs 2020 … and tried to activate the vr mode in the settings and per ctrl and tab.

Nothing happends.

Every other thing works with the vr… dcs as well.

Can anyone helo me?

I’ve got the same issue - have you changed the activeruntime file name already? I’ve done everything we’re supposed to but when I click vr mode, nothing happens.

I have the same issue, only I followed the directions given to edit the regedit .json file, but my problem is. It’s not there!
All I have under Kronos is Vulcan. I have also updated my Oculus PC app, to be public beta.

Any thoughts anyone?

fixed - make sure to copy and paste the whole line which needs to be changed on activeruntime - not just the last bit! LOL!

I set the fov stencel in the debugg tool to off. Now
It says: no headset detected. Everything is connected right and working… but fs2020 cant detect it.

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