Can't see anyone's aircraft, just their name tags!

Just after a little advice please, I don’t switch on multiplayer very often but when I do, I can see loads of name tags but I can never see any aircraft under the name! I have tried it with “use generic models of multiplayer” (or whatever that option is) both turned on and off. Still no aircraft, just the names. Even when I get up close - or far away for that matter.

The other day, I landed on top of someone as I could see their name tag but didn’t realise they were on the runway, as no aircraft was there.

Any advice would be welcome.


This is a known bug. Unless they are flying the same plane as you, you don’t see the type.

This crept in a few patches back.

Ah right, I must have missed that as I don’t do multiplayer very often. Thanks for the info.

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Closing as solution provided by OP.