Alright here we go… I took one flight in a Vision Jet in career mode in Beta SU1. Here’s my experience… For context, I’m a real-life pilot.
- Flight Planning: I was flying from KOSH to KIMT. This is a relatively short (~30 minute) flight. I used the “create route” option in the EFD, and it added 25 waypoints. Not exaggerating. 25. I removed these and manually created a realistic IFR route, with 2 waypoints and an RNAV 19 approach (winds were out of 240 @ 10). The altitude was not editable, and was stuck at FL3999 (not a typo.)
- Startup: I’ll include a screenshot at the end, but wow are the textures awful. This is a HUGE regression. I’m using ULTRA settings, for reference.
- Clearance & Taxi: I was given an “as filed” clearance, with an initial altitude of 4000. No mention of an expected altitude, likely because the flight plan was actually 4000 feet, not FL3999. The taxi clearance I was given involved crossing the runway twice and then back taxing. Forget the fact that you’re not allowed to be given multiple crossing clearances at once, it was a very indirect and odd route. As soon as I entered the runway the first time, I was penalized for not requesting take off clearance before entering. What?
- Takeoff & Climb: Largely uneventful. The only thing I noticed is that the cloud textures have significantly regressed. It looked more like MSFS 98 graphics. There were icing conditions; I used deicing procedures appropriately.
- Cruise: I ended up requesting a cruise at 14,000 feet, which was given to me. Nothing strange to report here.
- Descent & Approach: I was given the ILS 1 approach, even though winds were out of 240. Once I went flaps 20, I received a “Flap Ice” warning, even though I had been using proper deicing procedures throughout the flight. I was told to contact tower, so I attempted to… but turns out KIMT is an untowered airport. (I switched to ctaf) I wasn’t given the option to announce I was on final until I was ~50 feet from the ground. I quickly announced just before touch down.
- Landing: This was brutal. My ~8 knot crosswind component felt like 50+. I’ve [real-life] landed a 172 in a 35 knot direct cross wind. That felt like a piece of cake compared to this. On touchdown, I was unable to stay on the runway with full rudder deflection. Differential braking was required. I was told (via the nagivation aid, which I had turned off, but was still on somehow) to back taxi the entire length of the runway, despite the fact that there were multiple turn offs in front of me. I did, and then held short on the runway, short of the hold short bars (which is a very strange bug that I reported months ago). I was told to announce my taxi, but the “announce taxi” button simply wasn’t functional. Nothing happened, so I taxied anyway and was immediately penalized when crossing the hold short bars (again- this was super infuriating because it’s teaching perspective pilots horrible habits.)
- Shutdown: Uneventful.
Overall take: This is a massive leap backwards, and not anywhere close to the experience I was optimistically hoping for. I share this experience partly to vent, but also in the hopes that maybe, just maybe a developer or PM is reading this and will use the feedback to realize this thing ain’t ready.
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Al of these point are not proper to beta it’s a same in live, and for the flap ice warning that’s normal if you used the de-ice on the wing surface
The wind effects seem to be much much worse in beta than on the prod/release branch.
For the love of GOD please make Carreer missions playable. In search and rescue missions, my helicopter flew 3x into a cloud, though there was no way of avoiding this. ended mission before completing. spent money to move to the next closest location. 14K of a 50K mission. Then crashed due to impossible to land near victim as can not determin what is a autogen tree or a solid tree ( turns out all were solid). Please reinburse me my credits and reputation level as this is still a complete joke. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD FIX THE PROGRAM
ALso the nearest SAR mission worth 60K will cost me 34K to transfer. How does any of this make sense. Do I pay to move only to find another corrupt mission?
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Xbox series x.
I can’t finish a flight in career since switching to Beta sim update. It just crashing all the time
So. After a week, to let my tempers calm down, thought I would re-do the SAR mission to see if Microsoft had paid any attention. It apears not. I love the water features. Feels like a mission from the Avatar movie. Also in the process of getting a screenshot I apparently crashed. Not very good. THis is morew and more a miserable experience. Playing MSFS just makes me feel depressed rather than giving satisfaction. Software creates mission failures / crashes / lost income. I tried Neofly and this is a convincing model for career missions unfortunately it also seems to crash MSFS 2024. However This should be a model to follow. I will now leve the career mode for another week to see if problems can be fixed. Looking forward to a workable sim.
This and so much more. Flight from 8D1 to 7AR3. All planned out IFR to land on runway 18 at this stupid airfield (not even an airport) to land a PC12 on but hey I can slow it down pretty quick now. Anyway planned to land on 18 wind out of 365 at 25knots. Briefly saw the sim tell me to land on 36, WAT, thought no can’t be right to land with the wind, but yep 3 hours of my life I won’t get back. Who programs this, seems like very bad AI. I know no dev will listen cause if they were this would not be happening.
Don’t even feel like reporting bugs anymore cause ain’t no one listening and there are SOOOO many of them but hey they got their money.
I have no choice but to try NeoFly from here on out. Wish Asobo would think to listen to them as how to do a proper career mode. Actually think I will stop using the Beta.
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If you cancel IFR and land VFR, you can change the runway in the ATC menu. That is how I always do it in career, even on big airports, which is rare, because career medium cargo airports are just 300m long fields
I had canceled IFR and had runway 18 in the EFB, still right before landing on 18 the sim notified me to land on 36 but I was already on 18. I just crashed the Sim and flew it again this time it held to 18. When I set up an approach I like to stay within that to get the points for “airline procedure”. But will definitely see about your suggestion, sounds reliable. And very true about the cargo missions, sometimes take off or land on X’s (Runway closed both ways).
Thanks for your knowledge, much appreciated!
Now thinking about it a little bit more, I had put in ATC menu to land on runway 18 as usually have to do when contacting the airport and right before landing the flight log or the simulator thingy (not sitting in front of the sim right now) that tells you to fly to final and land on a runway, just said that land on a runway, then out of the corner of my eye I just barely saw it say land on runway 36 for about 2 seconds, landed on runway 18 and the warning at the top of the sim said I landed in a restricted runway. So keep your eye open.