Career missions extreme turbulence? anyone else or area dependent?

You’re not imagining this. In hundreds of hours over my local area, many in a 172, I have not once experienced turbulence like this or landed in a crosswind like this. Nor have I experienced it anywhere around my state where I have performed 33 skydives at different dropzones, many of them from a 182.
Nothing about this is fun. It’s annoying.


The X Cub is basically unflyable. Every second of every mission it’s bouncing around like the inside of a tumble dryer.

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Likewise. Got through my PPL and my Commercial. First flight in the 172 to do some sightseeing no problems. Followed the blue boxes, but, being bounced around all over the place. Coming in to land, at landing speed, aircraft uncontrollable. Now, I fly old school on a keyboard, but, I have never had the issues with controlling the plane like this. On free flight, no issue, but, in the career, I’d say they have it turned up a bit much. Career starting in the East Tennessee area.

Whatever they’re messing with is also affecting flights in 2020. In fairly clear weather yesterday I was bounced around and unable to maintain control of the plane. Tried different airports globally with the same results. I did get a refund on 2024 and uninstalled it prior to that.

The carrer missions are awful. Even the designated runway makes no sense… why should I land a C172 with 30kt tailwind on a flat runway with no slope?
Or why should I fly to a destination with a C172, when there is a 30G45 xwind.

Just landed a C172 vertical at 70kt wind…but I was unable to taxi to parking.

Just like everyone else, the turbulence is VERY unrealistic. I grew up in a C182 and in my opinion, what they represent as “Realistic” might be close on the worst day I ever few, but not EVERY flight. I agree that it makes the game annoying and not enjoyable by any stretch of the imagination.

It’s hit and miss for me. Not every mission has turbulence, but when it does… Better keep the fasten seatbelt light on!

As you can see from replies, this not a one off issue but pretty widespread and yes, it is an issue with MSFS2024 it seems. Are you able to create a bug report? How does one make a log here for it to be reported as a bug?

After a few missions, we unlock real-time weather…
The turbulence is extreme… the plane becomes uncontrollable. I even had a mission on the island of Oléron in France where the C172 climbed on its own, spinning around, and then dove straight down.
The problem is that Asobo (Microsoft) needs to give us the option to reduce or even disable the turbulence…
Because right now, even with 6 knots of wind, it’s unmanageable. It feels like the early days of FS 2020…

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The kicker is that option is available, but it’s overridden in career mode.

On the other hand, I did notice that after flying in such turbulence, I get extra rough weather bonus credits.


Same issue for me.
I played many missions, from many airports, in many countries, but always the same issue: extreme turbulence (like I constantly have to fly through the world’s biggest storm), and the plane is uncontrollable.
I tried different things to get rid of this, but Asobo (Microsoft) needs to fix this issue.

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Ok, the best one yet for me.

Flying regular missions in good weather: Extreme turbulence.

Flying the first tornado chase mission: Smooth sailing. Lol!

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Seems the issue you are experiencing has already been reported here :

There is a serious problem with the weather in career missions. I doubt that this is real weather, at the place where I took the screenshot on the Windy site it is displayed 17 knots at 2000Ft, there is a crazy wind of more than 60 knots. We are not far from a storm.

In addition, it happens that in the end there are crazy gusts of wind which gust at more than 30 knots, this is not controllable with a C 172 or a plane of this size.

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It doesn’t matter in career mode what setting you have for turbulence. If it is set to low and then you start a mission it reverts even “custom” settings back to realistic and overwrites what you picked.

I am experiencing the same in career mode. It’s like riding a bull and trying to hold on.

Although the passengers seem happy with the flight afterwards and give me a good rating. Not sure how, it’s a white knuckle ride! :joy: