Career mode and realism not up to expectations

It’s a long post and sorry it’s a bit of a rant. This is my first time I’ve requested a refund for a game. TLDR; Bugs aside, Microsoft and Asobo falsely advertised a groundbreaking simulator that didn’t live up to expectations.

A fun and engaging career mode is the sole thing I truly wanted in addition to MSFS2020. Improved graphics, smoother operation, and increased realism were all just bonuses to be expected from a newer sim. With the exception of performing better on the same system with the same graphics settings, the game falls short of hopes, basic expectations, and actual promises/marketing in every single way.

Realism. The game was advertised as the most realistic flight simulator experience ever. Microsoft and Asobo repeatedly stated they wanted an authentic, real aviation experience. (Source: ) There was supposed to be an inherent progression from a person learning to fly a plane for the first ever time to being a captain of a commercial jet. It’s completely missed the mark, and is why I’m calling it a game, not a simulator. X-plane sells a product that can actually be used to log simulator time in an FAA logbook. MSFS 2024 doesn’t have anywhere near that level of realism. The few procedural elements they’ve attempted to incorporate into the game are executed very poorly and don’t reflect real-world aviation. In fact, some objectives in career mode are downright dangerous in the real world, but you’re penalized in the game if you do what’s right.
-After landing it wants you to stop inside the hold short
markers of a runway. (You’re required to stop on the
outside of the hold short markers irl)
-Helicopters taxiing to an active runway (very rarely done
irl, typically much safer to take off from its parking spot
or they’re towed out to a helipad)
There are numerous other examples which break the immersion and realism aspect of the game. Most are related to the ATC system, which functions even worse than 2020’s did at launch.

Graphics/performance. If you run the same graphics settings on the same gaming setup and compare 2020 to 2024, the game does perform better… when it works. Having the world be on a server requires a solid Internet connection by both parties, and it requires a steady, reliable server. The quality of streaming varies widely depending on the time of day, and the individual users’ internet speeds. However, even at its best, I only notice some minor improvements over 2020. In general, the placement of generic airport buildings actually seems worse than in 2020. The airport ground textures, taxiway/runway markings also seem like a step back. The light bloom from instrument displays and panel lighting is extreme at night, to the point it can still be blinding even on its lowest brightness setting. From posts on these forums it seems the MSFS2020 game engine was derived from the FSX game engine, and that the MSFS2024 game engine was completely redesigned from the ground up. This must’ve been an incredible effort on the developer’s part to create something that looks this fantastic from scratch. There’s no denying MSFS2024 is a very good looking game (when it works). What’s difficult to understand is why they’d go through all that effort to get a product that essentially looks the same as MSFS2020. The effort expended doesn’t seem to reflect the same increase in quality of the final product (diminishing returns). The game appears nowhere near what is advertised in the trailer that states “in-game footage” at the bottom.

Career mode. It’s broken in a way I can’t see being fixed. Conceptually it feels as though the developers have put needless blocks on progression in the name of realism, without any of them caring what real-world aviation is actually like. See this interview with a lead developer on creer mode; The certification check rides are a joke that don’t feel like any sort of achievement upon completion. The trainings don’t provide much in the way of real-world procedures, especially IFR. Some certifications still aren’t even available currently, they say they’ll be integrated in a future update! The mission sets are completely generic and don’t offer any sort of variety. The developers said where you choose to start your career from will heavily impact what kind of career you’ll have, but that’s just not true. Every time a new specialty is unlocked, you’re flown halfway across the world for a special mission to unlock that specialty. Then, you get to fly the same exact mission, just from different airports. Even after unlocking some specialties, missions don’t appear to populate (firefighting and VIP charter missions especially). The airports often don’t make sense for the mission types. Passenger airline flights regularly end up taking off from/landing at a military base or at an airport that doesn’t have 737’s based at them. The 737 is the only passenger airliner in career mode. For other missions, frequently the distances traveled exceed the aircraft’s maximum range. So far I haven’t been able to fly a vip from the top of a skyscraper to an airport in a rotorcraft; all helicopter flights seem to take off and land at airports. None of this is to mention the countless bugs that plague career mode currently. I’ve no doubt the majority of bugs will be fixed eventually, but at its core, career mode has a limited amount of fun that isn’t as described in the marketing.

Bugs aside, the core of the game feels unsatisfying and contrary to what was advertised. On top of that, content is still locked down and will become available in a future update. A lot of marketplace items purchased in 2020 hoping they’d be in 2024 aren’t available, and might not be for a long time. Bottom line, I feel lied to and was sold an inferior product due to false advertising. I paid $200 for a game that feels nearly the same as 2020 in most ways and didn’t live up to expectations. That’s not to mention the hundreds I’ve spent on 2020 marketplace content assuming most would be available in 2024 as was promised.


Having even more fun after the patch. Career got a ton of much needed love. Still not perfect, but much better. I hope the sim gets better and meets your expectations soon, no sarcasm! Things were rushed and we should have gotten better, I agree, but I’m enjoying what we did get. I don’t blame you for your choice though.


I just tried flying from a military base outside Tokyo to Haneda in a helicopter. Still had me taxi to the runway, still got dinged for my taxi speed, and after landing, it asked me to set the parking break which didn’t exist. So I couldn’t complete the mission.


Heli missions definitely need a ton of love. I have mostly stuck with fixed wing. Does the Ctrl+space not do anything, even without a parking brake existing? In the training missions they have you set the rotor brake and that works.

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Just downloaded the update patch today (11th Dec), and now it takes longer to load - stuck on 6% Loading language for around 4 mins.

Community library empty or active - no change.

Is anyone else experiencing this?


Nah, I even tried changing the control bindings. Seems it’s been bug-logged already. It’s the only mission I’ve tried after the update, I hope other mission types have improved. Steam won’t give me a refund since I’ve been playing since launch, so I just gotta hope it’ll keep getting better.

I noticed it took significantly longer to load, but once it did it ran fine.

Little clarification on the X-Plane part and being able to log time. That is only allowed if the sim is a professional license and being used by at ATD device that must be FAA certified in order to be able to log sim time in your logbook. Make sure to be specific on that so people do not go out thinking they can do that at their own home machine.

As for you expecting the career mode to be actually realistic and show you how to actually fly was a false hope for you. You should know that Asobo is never going to be perfect and they do not 100% know the rules and regulations when it comes to flying. Just look at “THEIR” own aircraft, half of them are half baked or do not work. I still would not call this a “game” just because their first party aircraft are not up there. Where the real aircraft that will show you actual real world procedures and the most realistic flight models come from third parties.

Look at Fenix and how well the A320 lineup flies in 2024. Look at PMDG taking full advantage and pushing the sims core flight dynamics beyond with their 737 and 777 line up. A2A Comanche, another amazing and true to life GA single piston engine that flies like a dream. Unfortunately in every simulator, the developers of the sim will never fully show off what the sim is capable of flying wise, their job is to set up the sim for third party devs to take advantage of it. No matter who it is, X-Plane, P3D, and MSFS it is always up to third parties to give you the realistic flying experience you want.

You are right that the launch and bugs of this new sim was inexcusable and a nuisance, unfortunately it looks like this is going to be another sim where overtime it will get better. The good news is, it is not as bad as when MSFS2020 launched seeing that there is already a SDK for developers to utilize right away unlike 2020 that they had to wait a couple of months down the road to finally be able to create and develops add ons for it. It took probably about half a year for us to get a decent airliner in the sim which was the Aerosoft CRJ series. If you already tried 3rd party add ons in 2024 which is very limited and you still think it is not realistic enough, you probably have not flown a real aircraft then. While no sim will ever match a real life flight, this new sim comes pretty darn close to it. It is not only my own words, but many real world pilots have said the same thing. Give it time, unfortunately since you can not get your refund. Next time in todays day and age, it is best to wait a couple of weeks to fully see the state of the software from user reviews.


Better… And at the same time they disabled the API, which is why they lost a huge fan base.

No they did not have the SDK available for devs before launch. they should have had it months before this ■■■■ was released. if they had it right away omdg and fenix would hav had working 24 planes from day 1 one. even they stated themselves it was not available until after release.


Just checked, yes, there’s a few steps to take in order to get X-plane FAA certified. There’s an extra plugin that’s needed that’ll cost about $500, and you’ll need a sort of home cockpit as well. But the software is essentially the same as the base game, still making it the most realistic home flight simulator experience.

Wouldn’t know how the A320 flies, as the only passenger airliner in career mode is the 737. PMDG was fantastic in 2020, but not accessible yet in 2024 along with a host of other marketplace content… Which was kinda my point.

I’m not expecting perfection from Asobo in regards to realism, but there’s too many things that’re conceptually blatantly wrong. The article I mentioned stated Asobo/Microsoft cooperated with real world pilots to get the realism down, but I don’t see how that could be the case.


Simulation is just that, simulation. It comes down to feal. Real world pilots give feedback on how the plain “feels” and the developers tweak it. You do not get any real G-Force effects in the simulator, so you lose all those feelings. It is all an approximation. There will never be a perfect simulation in our lifetimes.

Spot on review. I got a refund as well. Then Microsoft banned me, and I can no longer make a purchase on the XBOX app (their loss). I asked for the refund within 14 days after 30 hours of trying to get this piece of junk working.
Thanks for a very honest and well laid out review.


I’m not looking for or expecting perfection. I was expecting a close approximation of real-world procedures and FAA/ICAO rules and regulations to be integrated into the game. The best I can describe career mode right now is aviation-adjacent. Not a real-world experience as was promised in the article I from Microsoft I linked to in the op describing the game. Slightly unrealistic flight dynamics I could’ve lived with. The game forcing you to fly the same exact vfr approach regardless of airport type, taking off/landing with the wind, penalizing you for not following procedures that don’t exist in real life… It’s completely immersion breaking and very disappointing. Things that if any real CFI would’ve neen consulted on wouldn’t have made it into the game.


This is the biggest annoyance for me as well with career mode. It goes way past just giving you something to do, but tells you how you have to do it. It’s almost as if, conceptually, career mode is just an extension of some sort of lesson - holding your hand through everything to act as a scripted demonstration and removing any sort of real autonomy. You’re just there to satisfy checkpoints. Hopefully Asobo fleshes this out a bit.


As a CFI with plenty of real world experience I could have pointed all this out to them a year ago if they had asked. I don’t know which pilots they asked but there are a lot of immersion breaking issues with the “procedures” they use in career. Getting flight following everytime before requesting your IFR in the air is something I’ve never done. You can get an IFR clearance on the ground before takeoff. The wrong side of the hold short lines gets me everytime, something so basic shouldn’t be an issue in the sim. I frequently get assigned wrong altitudes for the direction of flight (should be: West even, east odd). There’s a ton of small nit picks thats should have never made it to launch.


you are right, but I would say: give it time. Most bugs will gradually be fixed and the simulator will be in a usable state eventually. There is a huge amount of potential there. I totally agree that it is really frustrating - I can speak from my own experience! - but at least I have FS2020 to fall back on if I’m desperate to fly. Flight simulation has been my absolute passion since I was around 12 or 13 I guess, and I’m 47 now. So I’ve stuck with it for more than 30 years. And I’ve seen a lot of ups and downs. Perhaps I’ve just become more laid back as I’ve got older. But with all the amazing progress in graphics and functionality comes a huge rise in complexity. So I can understand why it’s become increasingly difficult to combine all this code and make everything work together.

What I will say though is: Microsoft should have waited another 6 months or so before releasing it to iron out the worst bugs. Then they would have had to rename it, and it was too late for that.

I think thousands of people are angry about it all. But there are worse things to get angry about in this world.


This is exactly the conclusion my friend group has come to. Loads of potential, will eventually be an extremely capable sim and offer tons of cool experiences we’ve always dreamed about… but it definitely just seems like someone way far up in the food chain really pushed hard on the “go” button.


Yeah, I agree, that’s basically it. Economics trumped release viability (as is often the way). I also play “Cities: Skylines” and the second incarnation was also a disaster in many respects. A similar case.

I’m in for the long haul. Not a fan of some of the fundamental decisions (ie streaming everything) but overall I’ve enjoyed it more than 2020. Yes 2020 was way more polished by the time of 2024 release but 4 years and a strong community will do that. After another year of development, community and 3rd party support this will be an amazing sim.

But it would have been less egg on their face to release an overall functioning 2024 in 2025 than to force the release this year… This has put a bad taste in a lot of loyal customers mouths moving forward. I personally won’t be pre order anything from them ever again. I’ll wait until it’s released and stable

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