Career mode: how does passive income work?

Yes, But I wouldn’t advice it. Better Fly and earn credits yourself and get afterwards passive income. If you just let it afk and get passive income, it would be less. That’s what I experience.
I feel like i’m flying now just to maintain my airplanes, kinda sad, I wanna get more cr to get the big planes after all, now it just feels yeah, I’m just flying to maintain all my aircraft, get money and lose money to maintenance …

i have 800+ million credits, i dont need to fly myself :smiley:

But why do you only get that 7.3 million passive income ?
Holy cow 800 , how do you got that? You skip or do whole missions?

7,3-7,4, i dont know why, and the flight duration is always the same 3h 58 minutes, regardless if i play 1 hour or 10 hours

mmm that is strange, wow, pff I guess you have some bug or something. ■■■■.

i’m trying to see if I can get the 10 million passive income :stuck_out_tongue: , that’s my goal now. With the 21 hours it didn’t work, so Today/ tomorrow I will just fly as much as I can and see if I can get past the 10 million.

i did medium cargo and always skipped the flight til i had about 50 million credits, then i bought i used boeing 737 and did passenger airline missions as freelancer, this gives you between 3 and 10 million credits WITH skipping, depends on the mission. and i played day in day out for 8-10 hours straight even the game was bugging (plane fell often down the sky–> mission failed) etc…

I’m now heading over from Medium cargo, to these passenger missions. They give good, so now I’m going to also grind until I have like 800 million :stuck_out_tongue: .

It is buggy, I have to use manual comms , cause pressing Dpad left, won’t responds, so luckily when doing it manual, it works.

Hey Guys, what is the % in the right column? I have the Geman version… “Riss” it not a German word which would make sense herer. What do they mean?

Its wear. This is the averaged percentage of damage accumulated on the aircraft’s components during the indicated flight time. Most components have a normal wear rate, which degrades the items 1% per hour, so it closely aligns to that, sometimes maybe higher because of the faster wear rate components. Riss is not the right word for it, I assume AI translated. Verschleiss would be probably be more appropriate.

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Condition / Tear. It is the wear rate of the plane., after one, two or three days, you always have to maintain landing gear/ tires/ engine etc

oh… to tear something = “etwas zerreißen / zerstören” in German. Like a pice of paper or an old piece of cloth. In the game, tear = riss… makes no sense at all… What a shame… a major game title just translatet by google…

okay, now i have 12 planes in the “sightseeing” company and i sold all the other planes except one which i sit in and wait for time to pass by.

or is there any other company that earns passive money better then the sightseeing type?

The earnings are calculated by the aircraft purchase price new. However the more expensive the aircraft is, the less profit it is making. The best strategy is to buy the cheap aircraft, since they have the best ROI. I would suggest in the beginning the invest in those, and even later it is not worth to buy expensive aircraft for crew. Except of Firefighting, Medevac and Aerial Constuction, all companies have access to cheap aircraft.

but cheap aircraft have a higher wear and are more expencive to service, or it that wrong? i have that one asobo jet i use for vip transport and it has almost no maintainance charges…

That is wrong. The wear rate is the same for any aircraft per component wear rate (normal wear rate 1% per flight hour, and some are 2 or 3). Cheaper aircraft is much cheaper to maintain and will always net decent profit. This is sadly an unbalanced calculation. To put it in context, 3x r66 will make me approximately same amount as 1x caravan. The 3x r66 is 1.2 million new, while the caravan is 4 mill new. That means that for the 4 mil i could have bought 10x r66, which would bring me around 3 times more than the caravan for the same price. Maintaining more aircraft is definitely harder, but the expensive aircraft will eat most of your profits when you need to replace expensive parts. The r66 will bring its price back before you need to touch it, and from there on its pure profit, and always brings more than it takes.
Edit: for the jet, you probably mean vision jet, which I have some of, but they don’t bring much more than a cheaper aircraft, and when you need to replace all flight controls, electronics, engines etc, you will see hefty bills. It definitely brings some profit, just comparatively less than the cheaper aircraft.

Moderator Edit:

You generate passive income daily. I’ve been playing for 10 hours for 2 days and I’m getting nothing.

Wird bei dir passives Einkommen täglich generiert. Ich habe seit 2 tagen 10 std gespielt und bekomme nix.

did you play at night? i found this out: every mission crashes a view minutes after midnight (german time). flight time between midnight an 1:00 is counted to the next day. and if you are on a mission while 1:00 is passing, no income will be paid. could that be a problem on your side?