Career Mode: More Certifications

More Certifications with corresponding aircraft and mission types.
Like: hot air balloon, night rescue, air race, military, acrobatics, emergency cargo (c17/a400), acrobatic team and so on


Water landings too

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Yes and No.

I want this if we can get it without the “fly X of mission Y” first.
Above all else, I want more aircraft variety. If the airplane is in the game, I want to be able to fly it in the career and it would make me more likely to purchase more aircraft.


Obviously a future thing but i am sooo looking forward to the RB Air Races…

Once those are in, we need the ability to be Air race pilots in our careers no doubt about that!

When it comes to Air Show stuff, i surely can see us flying solo aerobatic routines at one point with the current tech as well, although i am obviously not a dev so just because i can imagine that doesn’t mean it’s really that “simple” to implement. Would make for a fun addition no doubt.

I wouldn’t mind some formation flying tasks / missions neither, maybe even a “formation flying company” for which we have to buy all aircraft needed (more missions open up the more aircraft we have)? I don’t know if that would be possible in the sim, but it’s a nice thought for sure.

What i personally would not like to see are military missions, and given the history of MSFS i think we’ll not see any of that… There’s better options for that kinda stuff out there and i’d rather not have Asobo sink dev time into such endeavors tbh - they can only loose this “fight” imho.

Also a huge +1 for night time missions, not just rescue missions but more or less everything that would be OK of doing at night (probably not crop dusting for example).

For military i was not thinking about dcs lvl combat. i was more thinking about flight training missions, paratroopers drops, cargo drops, short runway cargo delivery somethig like that.

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I especialy love the emergency cargo idea. Could include stuff such as ILS/LOC not working due to damage to the destination airport.
But I guess they should first fix what should already be there.

Well with emergency cargo drop i thought about disaster cargo delivery something like that or like helicopter lifting at distaster clean up. we us that in switzerland a lot.

the system failuers should be included in higher difficulty missions. but im not sure if the sim can handle like mission programmed failuers with diverson to a nearby airport or even bush or highway landings.

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I was also thinking of a disaster clean up or fiest aid type missions. I’m not talking about aircraft systems failing but damaged airports or maybe bush landings. Could be cool I think.

Delivering supplies to a village that was cut off after an avalanche via chopper or delivering supplies to a carribean island after a hurricane has hit in the A400M.

Also since I’m Swiss too they should add a mission type where cows are air lifted to the alps and back :slight_smile:

Wow the cow thing i didnt even think about. that would be awesome.
i’ve seen that one first hand.

Or Helicopter fire fighting as we do often too.

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Voting for yours too, I created a similar one a week ago :

I totally agree with this one, though I think it is a natural and sure progression way for Asobo. I love the career and hope it gets a LOT of attention through the game’s lifespan. The thing I would like integrated most among all is missions with military craft. And not air combat dogfighting wartime style missions, but more like aircraft delivery, testing and mock fights, etc

They should open it up for community development. Users can be creative and building company types that can be shared would free up their resources and offer faster development

be good to extend this to Lake start/end missions with floats. Rescues requiring A/C with Skis on snowy mountain tops

For military missions I’d like to see intercept mission’s eg when they lose contact with a plane they send up a fighter to check it out.