Career mode needs lots more details to what and why about a lot of options you got in the mode.
Let our planes have at least standard/factory livery, please!
Seems like after the latest patch, owned planes now have a livery.
Anyone else noticed it?
Yeah I saw it too. Also my plane for the first time was dirty and the VIP was complaining about it. Though would be nice if the dirtiness level would be indicated somewhere before starting the mission.
Do you also have the white/purple livery with green stripes?
sadly yes ^^
Yes please!!
Yet another feature that was falsely advertised. It seems just as ridiculous as the tacked on AI character voices with voice lines that are misspelled and just flat out wrong in many ways.
Something as simple as choosing a paint color or livery that is customized with your company name should have been a no brainer. I mean, we can’t even change the registration number, get the ■■■■■■■ ATC to call us by our callsign or flight number, or do anything else customization wise other than creating a company name.
Things like this just infuriate me.
my cargo 172 and caravan are all white and purple with yellow and green stripe. It looks so dumb. I’d take a plain white livery over what im forced to have.
What’s amazing is that “paint” customization is a fairly easy feature to implement in games.
I have implemented such things ( colormasking shaders ) in games - in only a day or two of work - and the UI and related code can be done in matter of days at most ( integration ).
Overall I would consider such a feature easily implemented within a week of development.
And somehow it didnt make it into release.
crazy right?
Spent 19k to hit the repaint button only to find out that it was just a fresh ■■■■■■ livery. Utterly disappointed only begins to describe my vibe. FORZA has full livery and community art, where is the support on the FS platform?
It says right in the aircraft marketplace that a brand new plane is more expensive but has more custom options than a used aircraft which is just totally not true. You can’t even pick between the stock livieries that they have available in free flight.
Also repainting your aircraft is pointless… There’s no difference between that and just washing it… except it’s 20x more expensive… lesson learned the hard way. Absolutely flabbergasted.
At least this got fixed… at first you would get " will be available in future updates" are you serious? Editing text was too hard for you guys to have on release day? lol
Re: changing company name.
Who thought white over purple with yellow and green stripes was a good color choice for THE ONLY LIVERY AVAILABLE for the C172???
We all want to be able to choose our own airline’s livery. If we can’t fully customize them, at lease let us choose from the liveries available in Free Flight mode. Even if there is only one livery, why make it such a HORRIBLE color choice?
Previously there were plain white airplanes with a white company name on them, at least now they added some colors
They said custom paintings will be added later but still no information when do they plan to do it
Well, if you think white with purple and green stripes is bad, wait until you buy a H125 for cargo. You’ll get full gold with red text on it.
I guess the liveries have been created by A.I. too.
The purple and white is just awful… can’t believe it’s the stock option for basically all passenger aircraft
And the font of the text… all lowercase and similar almost to a comic sans… one of the worst fonts in history