Career mode runway change

How does one change the runway to land on in Career mode?
I change it in the EFB and file with ATC but the runway the mission wants me to land on is often times incorrect for the wind.

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I can’t seem to change it either. I’ve tried filing the plan with ATC during the mission briefing, during pre-flight, and during flight. None of it matters.

Hopefully it’s just a bug as I agree with you, sometimes it’s forcing me to land with a tailwind because it didn’t seem to have knowledge of the weather when it generated the flightplan.

It’s the same in Free Flight mode. When wind is slower than 10kts ATC is unpredictable and you never know what runway is active until you are 60nm from the destination and tune to ATIS. Asobo have not done anything to improve ATC since FS2020, actually they made it worse.

That’s the neat part: you don’t. Seriously though most of the times this is infuriating, they only way to change the landing runway is on airports with unmanaged atc and you can just select the runway for landing. Also no way to change the departure runway, which often leads to you having to taxi 2 nm.

A tiny consolation, but on missions where you have to back taxi and u-turn on the departure runway, you can just take-off from the “wrong” runway. It won’t complain or penalize you.


career mode will do that for you… Randomly… But 75 of missions in career mode, flight scenario change the runway in the mission briefing a few second before landing… and everytime, he choose the opposite runway with wind from the back… Is it possible to explain asobo “ingeneer” that it’s better to take of and land wind forward ???