Carenado 182RG

Could you please elaborate a bit on this? What settings need to be selected? When I go to the Traffic screen, it just says “Standby.” I’m using the standard GNS530 that came with the Carenado 182RG.

Regarding tcas in the GPS?
This advice is for the WorkingTitle version:

  1. Turn on your avionics master to start up the GPS.
  2. Wait for RAIM check to complete.
  3. The GPS will likely start on Nav page 2.
  4. Use the inner knob on the lower right to switch to Nav page 4 - the TCAS/Traffic page.
    4b. You will see the label Traffic with the letters NRM in the upper left, ADS OFF? in the upper right, and STANDBY in the middle.
  5. Press the inner knob on the lower right once to enter cursor mode.
    5b. The ADS OFF? line should start flashing green.
  6. Use the inner knob to change the line to read ASD ON?
  7. When ADS ON? is selected, press the Enter key.
    7b. The STANDBY text should disappear, and if you have AI in the immediate 2nm-6nm radius, it should appear.
    7c. Press the CLR key once to exit cursor mode.
  8. Adjust range as desired.
  9. Go back to Nav page 1 or 2 as desired. Traffic should be viewable on this screen.

As far as I can tell, according to this thread, I can’t stop the red flashing on the transponder panel. Is that correct? Also, is there a “ident” button that needs to be pressed if ATC requests an ident? I’m having problems with this part of the xpdr process. Thanks.

Correct. It’s been like that in all Flight Simulator aircraft as long as I can remember (since FS2004 that is). The only way to stop it from flashing is switching off the transponder.

This is correct. This red flashing featuring was actually missing from the initial release, and I emailed them asking for it to be added as it is in fact true to life for the real model.

The light in ON and ALT modes blinks to show that the transponder was interrogated and is transmitting a response. It should remain dark in OFF and STANDBY modes, and I believe stays solid red in TEST mode.

When pressing Ident, the light should stay illuminated for 10-20 seconds and then go back to blinking, but to be honest I can’t recall if this is featured in the sim (not that it would matter / do anything unless maybe on VATSIM?)


It’s so bouncy on taxi. I love the feeling of engine torque pulling at you when you’re braking on the ground. It’s so easy to trim out and those janky tricycle gear look so cool folding up like a sleepy flamingo.

I fell in love with this plane and then I bought the Just Flight Turbo Arrows and figured i’d let the 182RG collect dust. But every time I take it out it makes me smile.

Underrated feature of planes in MSFS is ability to use camera translate mappings across the barrier of the body of the airplane - being able to swing from the cockpit to outside without switching to your “external” set of camera mappings. This plane (along with Wilga, Double Ender and few others) does it well and it makes it so much fun to fly low VFR.

Flying this plane feels like every bit of the GA joy that MSFS/Asobo intended when developing the sim. Carenado planes look so sharp and so good. I really love this plane!


Agreed! I have to add: There are few planes as beautiful as a Cessna high wing, with the gear retracted.

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any luck on the GS indicator, I don’t see one either.


See if the approach is just a a localizer because if it is you won’t get glideslope information.


I do get the gs on an ILS my issue is that on An LPV the autopilot shows gs and flys the gs but there is no gs indicator so I can’t fly the LPV manually.

Anybody have a Simbrief profile for the 182RG II?

I noticed this problem too. I tried deleting and reinstalling (same version), but no change. On a lark, I tried switching the GPS unit to the TDS GNTxi (in flight, which you probably shouldn’t do) and suddenly the HSI flipped around and was correct. Maybe it’s a 530/WTT issue or conflict? I’m going to try restarting the sim and trying another flight with the TDS unit, which I prefer except for the lack of weather.

Deleting the aircraft and reinstalling worked for me. Carenado suggested pressing the “D” key after I had reinstalled, so I don’t know if that will work. I’m on Xbox.

If I remember correctly, you go to the second Nav page on the Garmin GNS 430, then hit the Menu button. One of the options will be to “Turn Data Fields On.” Choose that, hit “Enter,” and your ground speed and a few other fields will now show on the screen.

I’m having an issue with the DG on the 182. It doesn’t align with the Wet Compass. It’s out compared to the compass by around 60 degrees. The DG can’t be aligned as the 2 knobs do other things than to position

I have been in communication with Carenado Zendesk and I have deleted the aircraft and reinstalled it. To have the same problem.
Also the GPS A/C icon is out by 90 degrees as by picture shown. Aircraft was at holding point.
Still trying to find a solution. Does anyone else seen this

No problems here, all matches. Did you try pressing “D” to sync the gyro compass?


I found I had a similar issue with the gyro compass in the 182 last night. It was out by about 40 degrees. I also could not find anyway to manually adjust it to match the compass overhead. I know you can press D on the keyboard but surely there must be a manual adjustment to it somewhere?

It’s out by more than 60 degrees, as the compass is showing 150 and the DG is 060.

The aircraft on the GPS should represent to your aircraft track. Sometimes it can drift when you’re stopped, showing a false heading. This can be automatically corrected by an AHRS, but you won’t find that in this configuration. Incorrectly, but not surprisingly, your displayed heading looks to be about the 060 your DG is showing (perpendicular to the runway).

The HSI in this aircraft lacks either one of two things: a magnetometer that slaves it to the compass (and the controls for that), or a manual slewing knob. IIRC, this is not one you can push in the HDG selector and slew the compass card, maybe double-check that.

In the absence of that, I believe the only thing you can do, without binding a control, is to press “D” to automatically calibrate it.

i’ve just had the same issue while setting up for an ILS approach, I found that switchng the avionics master off then on again reset the compass to the correct heading.

Thanks for all the information provided. Pressing the D, isn’t what I’d expect.
The A/C icon out to runway on GPS is still interesting as to why.
I’m waiting to see what Carenado come back with. Their last conversation said they’re looking into it.