Carenado Arrow III installed but not showing up after latest update

I’ve purchased the Carenado Arrow III and had it successfully installed and flying, but now it no longer shows up. Is this related to the community folder “NOT INSTALLED” issue with the latest update? I uninstalled from marketplace and reinstalled but still not list in my aircrafts menu.

Hi @CaughtThread340,
I’ve moved your topic into #bugs-and-issues:miscellaneous as that subcategory is for marketplace issues. I don’t think this is related to the “NOT INSTALLED” issue as that is partly a display (text) issue and does not effect the actual install.

If you haven’t done so, please contact Carenado to see if there’s any issues.

Have you seen this article on the Carenado website?

hi, originally I deleted it and reinstalled it however the Sim was running, and then rebooted the Sim and it was still a problem. As you said, need to have the sim not running and delete it from the official folder, then restart the sim and then download, all is working now – thanks for that tip.

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I wonder if this is related to the issue that I am having. I’ll try following those steps and see if that fixes it…

Hi @RobertUK1982,
Were you able to get this installed?

Let me know and I’ll close out your topic and this one. Thanks!

Hi, I’ll have a look this evening (in the next few hours) and then get back to you… :slight_smile:

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Hi, I tried launching the sim as an adminsistrator, but that didn’t fix the problem. The aircraft was still not showing up. Then, I tried the other method, and deleted the Seminole from the ‘Official’ folder, loaded the sim up and then reinstalled the aircraft through the PROFILE screen, and it is now showing up correctly for me.

Thanks… :smiley:

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