Carenado C182- RG "installed" but missing

I’ve actually did some flights with this aircraft (my favorite) but now it has disappeared, although My Library still shows it installed.


I have the same, flew it yesterday cant fly it today. It’s shown in the library etc but not able to chose it from the Aircraft screen.

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Did you try another carenado plane then select Variant? Some of the 3rd party planes are bucking the folder naming structure in the game. I have 4 different carenado planes available as variants in my menu.

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Exactly the same issue here. I flew it yesterday, and today it’s gone. I hope it’s back soon, as it’s my go-to airplane in the sim.

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I had a thought of that, but I don’t have any other Carenado in MSFS, only in x plane.

Sadly, no luck. I disabled all the 182 Variants and made sure there were none in both the community and Official folders.

Same here, shows enabled in library but not available in free flight. I have 2 Carenado planes that show enabled but not available in free flight. Just did an uninstall and reinstall, no help.

Same, I had about 20hrs in it and today it’s gone

I have four Carenado aircraft all bought through the marketplace:

  • Moony M20R Ovation
  • C337H SkyMaster II
  • PA34T Seneca V
  • C182RG II

All four show up in the Library as streamed.

When selecting an aircraft for free flight the first three show up under Carenado and then under configure variant I can select one of them for free flight.
The C182RG II always showed up in the Library and when selecting an aircraft for free flight.

Today (20-12-2024) the first tree can still be used for free flight.
But the C182RG II can’t be found and can’t be selected for free flight.

The problem is we have no idea what updates are done on the servers.


Same issue here, please bring it back

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Adding my name to the list. I cannot find the Carenado Cessna C182RG anywhere in my Free Flight. I confirmed the plane is enabled and streamed.

Note: I did find the C337 within the M20 plane selector. So, I guess that’s a weird variant, but ok.

Same issue here.

A picture is worth a thousand words. This is my personal install.

It appears there is an inconsistent copy happening depending on how many and what kind of Carenado airplanes you have purchased.

BTW, it actually is a Skymaster inside the Livery, not just a thumbnail mismatch. And selecting it crashes the sim to desktop - every time.


Same issue here - no C182RG to be found.

My 182RG is also MIA. Probably now a variant of something else?

The option of a variant is an possibility but a variant of what?

Installed the new update (patch 4) but failed to find the C182
Maybe Carenado has taken it offline to give us a full FS24 C182 upgrade :wink:

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I suppose I should also mention that my Carenado M20R and my PA-28R Arrow III are missing as well.

I don’t know about the PA-28R Arrow III because I bought this trough the Just Flight store, so I will need to wait a little longer for the upgrade from Just Flight. The promised a free upgrade for all the PA aircraft.

The Carenado M20R should be in your library and it also should be selectable for free flight.
If in free flight search for ‘Carenado’ and click the aircraft you find then look under configuration for a variant, there you will very likely find the M20R.

I don’t show any Carenados in Free Flight. My PA 28R is also Just Flight, so it’s good to know that an upgrade will be issued.