Folks - this has been bug-logged in another thread.
The thing is, why should Carenado fix it? It’s not their fault. MS stated that most addons will work.
Now, Carenado’s aircraft are the most basic ones of all 3rd party dev’s. If they don’t work, what aircraft would then work at all? (Haha, maybe Fenix’s Airbus, they don’t use much of the sim’s functionality).
So, if someone has to fix anything, it’s MS. And what if Carenado fixes their aircraft and then MS fixes the sim to make most addons working? Are they then broken again, and again to be fixed?
I can see why Carenado isn’t up to work on this issue.
Carenado should and probably is, working hard to fix the issues - as an MS partner it is in their continued financial interest to fix what should be a fairly simple issue. When 2024 first came out the 182 was my goto aircraft and a wonderful example of their simple but elegant and ultimately popular GA aircraft. My first purchase in 2020 was their Waco YMF5, then their Mooney M20r. Like the entire Carenado lineup, they are simple, fun and flyable aircraft. They have NEVER, EVER (NOT EVER) been good at communication. They have provided us with standout designs that have been awesome to collect the 337, D-17, D-18. It took forever, but we finally received our default pilots rather than Grumpy and Grumpy jr. I’m not saying cut them slack - just the opposite. Keep hounding them and know that as an official partner, they are receiving it from all directions.
Not sure I’m completely in agreement. You’d think it would be in Carenado’s interest to make sure it’s working.
2024 is a different product, and while Asobo may have set expectations that a lot of add-ons would work fine out of the box, they also made it clear that some wouldn’t, and that the developers would need to update them. If I remember correctly, there was a concern that non-working add-ons would cause the sim to crash and those aircraft would be pulled. Seems very sensible to me!
Further, how could Asobo be expected to update someone else’s code? Why should they? If you develop third party add-ons for a product, you have to be prepared to maintain your code to work within the host and it’s ongoing releases. It appears that Carenado are not doing that, or doing it slowly, or have run into issues. Either way, an explanatory message to customers would be a kindness.
I doubt that many people experiencing this issue will risk buying Carenado products again, as there is no guarantee of them being updated going foward. I’m surprised that Carenado are so blasé about that.
Of course MS would not order Asobo to change Carenado’s code. But MS stated that FS2024 would be compatible in a way that aircraft from FS2020 would work (almost every). In my opinion it’s their responsibility to make that happen.
How, exactly?
I don’t know, if I knew they’d maybe want to hire me?
But they promised almost all FS2020 addons would work flawlessly in FS2024.
Sorry to be picky, but their actual wording was “the vast majority of that content should work in MSFS 2024” (and there was never any mention of ‘flawlessly’ or any other qualification - that’s your interpretation).
Clearly, the Carenado 182RG add-on is not part of the ‘vast majority’ and there is something preventing it showing up in 2024. But you seem to be suggesting that it’s MS/Asobo’s responsibility to put that right and that Carenado should do nothing.
I’m honestly not trying to pick a (pointless) fight with you, but I can’t understand the logic. Maybe I’m being dumb, but I can’t see anything that Asobo or Microsoft could do, short of threatening Carenado, that would make my 182 show up in 2024!
Since Carenado are in MSFS, I would expect them to provide the patching needed. Given the fact that the 182rg operated in 2024 flawless for me, and then disappeared, i would assume that the needed fix is quite simple. Carenado has a history of patching their products (YMF5 ground handling as an example)
Not sure Carenado (or any other 3rd party developer) can be ‘expected’ to update their products unless they signed some sort of agreement that their products would always be forward compatible!
We can hope they will be reasonable and help in this issue …but nothing (unless they have signed an agreement) stops them from saying …Our product was for 2020 … If you want one for 2024 then we will create a new one that people will have to pay for!
…That would however, probably be shotting themselves in the foot to do that…
At the very least Jörg assured us that all our FS2020 Market Place purchases would be available in our library as is. So yeah, updated or not, I would very much like to have access to the aircraft that I paid for.
Then let us wait until the Market Place is open …
Yep, agreed 100%. I, for one, would have no issue if I had to pay an upgrade fee to use the 182 in 2024. Totally reasonable, given that 2024 is a different product. It’s being kept in the dark that is frustrating.
The fact that it was working and ostensibly MS/Asobo did something to break it, indicates to me that they (MS/Asobo) should be able to fix whatever made it disappear.
Same here. Streamed - not selectable. Seneca shows up though.
Can’t believe it, the C182 RG II is finally showing up for me in free flight
Yep, mine is back to …and also the Huey has appeared for me again …
Yeah, selectable now in SU1 beta. Just enabled, disabled, enabled…no need to restart sim
It’s back for me as well.
It appears in SU1 Beta, but I haven’t flown it yet to confirm full remediation.