Carenado m20 autopilot

Anybody knows how to bind the “autopilot pitch references” tabs on the autopilot to a button on the joystick? It control the pitch when climbing.

From the main menu go to the “Options” screen.

Click on the “Controls” section, and in the top ribbon, select your joystick (mine is X52 HOTAS in this pic)

Type in the search box “autopilot reference vs”

Click into the box next to the function you want to set (in this case I have Joystick Button 31 selected in the box you need to click.

Then simply mouse click into the box that says “Start Scanning” and press the joystick button you want to assign to the vs Function, and press “Validate”.

I have tested this on my Mooney, and it will correctly increase the VS in the autopilot.