I just purchased the Carenado Mooney M20R, but when I open it in a flight, the camera view is set on the left wing looking forward, not in the cockpit. This happens only on the M20R. All other airplanes open up in the cockpit view. Any ideas on how to reset it to cockpit view?
Good question, I’ve not had this issue. Perhaps a reinstall of the M20 is in order, there may be something messed up with the default camera settings.
Thanks, I may have to try reinstall. I also purchased the Seminole PA44 and it does the same thing. As I said all of the other default airplanes open in the cockpit.
Suggestion is to try reinstall. Went to Content manager to delete airplane and reinstall, but it won’t delete.
Click on Delete and it selects item and asks me if I want to delete. Answer yes and nothing happens.
Have a look here: https://github.com/mracko/MSFS_Cockpit_Quickview_Camera_Fix
I’ve modified the cameras.cfg file because I didn’t like the default quick view cameras and they worked a bit buggy. I’ve also moved the camera position a little bit back. See if replacing the cfg file helps.