Carenado PA 34 Seminole - No displays


just bought the Carenado PA34 and jumped into flying after installation. I switched on Master and Avionics and started the engines - but I couldn’t get the displays working. All of them remain black. What do I have to do to get them functional?

If you start cold and dark without changing the avionics type, you’ll need to turn the upper left knobs on both the primary and secondary navs (i.e. the comms volume knobs).

Or, use the Carenado iPad by clicking the center of the yoke and cycle through various avionics types (should automatically reset them to active).

Problem is solved: a switcher on my honeycomb bravo wasn’t set. Now it goes through the air like a cat!

i’m having the same problem and I haven’t worked it out.

Experiencing the same issue. Regardless of what option you select on the iPad or even if load on the runway, displays will not turn on. Tried cycling all the related switches and actually trying to turn on the power.

Same here. I deleted the airplane and redownloaded it but no help.

EDIT: I downloaded the latest PMS50 version and switched to the GNS750 using the IPad and now the top GPS works. The GNS430 still has a black screen.