Carenado PA44 Left wing dipping on takeoff

Hey guys,

Title. On take off I am getting a hard left wing bank when accelerating. Same issue on the Mooney from Carenado as well.

I was running the modern flight model then switched to legacy and this issue stopped. I also double checked and I do not have any erroneous control issues. The only two planes that do this are Carenado planes.

Anybody else having this issue? I much prefer using the modern flight model since it feels much better than the legacy overall.

What does weight and balance say? And what’s the airport’s wind direction and speed?

Centered weight and balance, light winds at the takeoff airport.

I tested three other non Carenado planes and did not get the same left wing dip. Also, in the air both planes roll to the left rather considerably.

Seems like some sort of flight model issue? I didn’t have this issue before the lasted patch.

Its interesting that you say that, because I find it the opposite. If I zero out all the payload stations and put 120lbs in the left seat of most stock GA I get some pretty gnarly roll to the left. And the Moony doesn’t have that issue. Maybe check your trim settings? Aileron trim might be getting nudged without your knowledge?

I experienced this as well. Went in to the Controls and looked at the sensitivity settings for everything. It all looked okay. I clicked “Done” and closed the window.

Haven’t had a problem since with any of the Carenado aircraft. Go figure…

Hope the same thing works for you! :slight_smile:

I don’t have the MSFS Mooney, but in FSX/P3D Carenado circumvented the flawed interia/moment arm simulation by placing the pilot, pax and bags at the centerline of the aircraft.
MSFS has the identical bug and hence the same solution would apply.

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Interesting. Just started for me. Massive dip to the left on runway acceleration almost into the ground. I’ve managed to take off using full right rudder. This wasn’t an issue when I first bought the aircraft.
Btw still winds. No luggage/weight loaded.

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I read recently that the Messerschmitt Bf 109 had a tendency to swing to port on take off if the throttle was advanced too quickly.

Yea I have this with the Mooney too but also experienced it with the C172 G1000 yesterday.

In fact in the 172, while flying on autopilot with heading selected, it suddenly veered off on a steep left bank even though the AP was still set correctly. Took me ages to get it under control again.

Some wierd behaviour has crept in since the last update that’s for sure.

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Got same issue. I have both seminole and mooney. The left wing will drop abruptly even though i apply constant pressure on the rudder pedals. Definitely not like in real life and really annoying.


Oh, I just assumed it was because I was flying in wicked windy weather and that’s why I was getting the behavior. I should try it again…

Very light cross-wind, massive veer to left as it went through stall speed on takeoff.