Carenado Seneca & Honeycomb Alpha / Bravo

A couple quick questions hopefully someone can provide some information on

  1. Is it possible to bind the Strobes and Landing lights? Cant seem to get them working with my alpha.
  2. Is it possible to feather the prop using the detents on the Bravo? I can feather them using the mouse, but can get them to feather with the throttle quadrant.

I don’t fly that plane but what I have discovered is that almost all (I’m sure there are exceptions) of the functions that don’t operate correctly are caused from a key bind conflict.

Also you may want to post this over in the peripherals forum as there are many over there who use the Bravo. Although cross posting in these forums I think will get you a scolding from the brain trust. Maybe you could ask them to move it after awhile, if you don’t get the answers you’re looking for.