Ah – this is likely all my fault… I upgraded my PC and moved from Intel motherboard to an AMD one.
Transferred my 2 HDD drives across (1 with system on it, 1 with Steam and MSFS 2020), Slowly rebuilt my system with Bios upgrades, Hard driver updates and video software updates…
Kept Clock speeds at default for now, and upgraded CPU cooling system
Okay all good so far.
Launched MSFS 2020. only 2 aircraft show up (I have delux premium version) Update required !
Froze after 4 hours at 95 Mbits/sec . Started again - Froze after 3 hours
ran sfc and Chkdsk again…
Started msfs 2020 and automatically went into update (106 Gibytes) - finsihed download, started Sim again - crash
Went back into programme and update started again from scratch…
This is still going on , 5th try.
The point is - I have a fibre connection. The best speed i can get is 98 Mbits/sec when downloading this software. It takes hours…then to have to do it all over again and again - is incredibly frustrating.
Yes, have been on the forums and signed out of xbox, and deleted old files, cleared community folder …etc etc…
There has to be a better way. Thankfully I have an unlimited internet account, but imagine some people have to pay and have a cap on their data stream.
Asobo, Microsoft, can we please please review the way the initial programme is downloaded and the automatic updates … because this is all time and money wasted for the end user experience - I have no CD/DVD reader by the way so 10 disks is useless to me.
Sorry you are going through this…I know how frustrating it can be.
When you say you “transferred your HDDs across” does this mean you didn’t actually reInstall Windows?
If so, then I’d say that’s the problem. You need to wipe the HDDs and reinstall everything.
Also, what’s wrong with a download speed of 98mbps? That sounds pretty fast to me. Some people are on a much slower connection.
I transferred my Windows SSD from an Intel CPU and mobo to an AMD CPU and mobo nearly a year ago with no troubles at all.
Thanks…I guess all i am saying is i kinda think there has to be a better way of delivery of the main program to avoid this sort of thing…necause while i troubleshoot the problem, i then have to endure the download process again to see if works this time around!!
Windows will generally work when a boot drive is moved from system to system, but it’s not recommended to do that. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should or that it’s a good idea.
I would seriously consider just reinstalling your system from scratch. It will run far smoother in the long run. If your original Windows was an older install, it’s probably full of dead registry entries, drivers that are no longer needed, and all kinds of other configs that are specific to what you had in the system at one time.
Backup everything that is needed personally by you, documents, etc. Then either RESET the system and don’t save anything, or if you have media, reinstall on reformatted drive.
Many drivers and .dll’s which AMD uses intel does not, my guess is some of the stuff is just fighting against each other. The OS thinks the intel is still there, but now it’s AMD, so it has to try to reorient itself and cannot.
I am in same boat sort of, to much trouble to describe here, but older PC, has not worked right since new, don’t want to spend money, thinking about taking out HDD, formatting it, keeping as spare, and donating the PC to the humane shelter. Let someone else mess with it. I am going to give it one more try today, but will never ever by a dell PC again.
Don’t ask me, went to Dell site, again downloaded the USB Creation Tool for recovery, and well this time it worked just as advertised. And now the PC is downloading updates and seems to be better than when new. I would swear my GF electronic gremlins are rubbing off on me, she picks up the phone and it resets or something. But knock on wood, it’s now working like it should. Going to give it back to her, and take my other laptop and fly FSX on it.
A new install is the absolutely the correct procedure…yes…but i am no newbie and i know that installing a new system will also potentially introduce additional complications with existing licences and software I still use.
I have a stable system now but for MSFS 2020…I feel the demands of the download update are my issue here. As an update I have completed the 5th download at around 90-98 Mbits/sec which is better than some, but much poorer download speeds than others (and I have fibre). For me, an actual download takes 5 hours or more for the reinstallation. If it then crashes on start up it takes some testing and then you’re reintroduced to the complete download again - you see my point??
I’m on gigabit fibre. On a good day, I can get my updates for MSFS at around 200-300 Mbits. But those are rare. Typically it’s closer to 100-150. Microsobo really need to get their content delivery network sorted. If this is Azure hosted (I believe it is), I don’t understand why download speeds are so terrible for most people. We should be getting blazing fast speeds.
Spike, disable any aftermarket virus and firewall software, and also turn off antimalware and see if the files are then downloaded. I had to futz with all those things to get mine to download the second or third patch. Let us know.
Thanks for the suggestion…had already done that… as it stands, after the 5th download i have the Sim working once more…just downloading all the aircraft and scenery files later today if i have time…i have taken it up for a spin in the TBM950 and it seems to run fine…so far, so good!!
Unless your fibre connection runs directly to the Microsoft servers, your download speeds are at the mercy of every router and network connection between you and Microsoft. And some routers may be prioritizing streaming video (YouTube, etc.) by capping bulk download streams like MSFS installations and updates.
Except just prior to downloading the last update, I had downloaded the latest Windows 10 Pro ISO (about 5.5GB) from Microsoft. I got 800+ Mbps on that download for the entire download. Once that was over, I downloaded MSFS, I was barely getting 100Mbps.
Yeah – this is so frustratingly, annoyingly weird. I do hope Microsoft/Asobo sort this out , or at the very least give us an explanation. There may be many reasons why the download speed is so poor - such as the location of distribution Servers specifically for this Sim, versus the many localized Microsoft Servers for all the other MS software…(as an example). Or the larger than normal download size restricting available servers because it would also impinge on all other download services?? Who knows??