I wanted to see if this is something others have noticed before considering it a bug.
When the 172 Basic is started cold and dark and you try to follow the checklist, you hit this section:
My problem is, I can’t hear any fan come on when I switch on either of the avionics. When I switch on the master battery, I hear a high-pitched electronics whine and I think I also hear the avionics fan. When I then switch on avionics 1, or 2, or both together, I don’t hear any new sounds appear.
For comparison, I went back to 2020 and listened carefully. When the master battery is switched on, I hear two distinct pitches of electronics whine. When I switch on avionics 1, there is no change, but when I switch on avionics 2 a very clear fan noise appears.
Does anyone out there hear a distinct sound change in the C172 basic when they turn the avionics on? Am I just losing my hearing? Or am I right that there is some mix up, like maybe the avionics fan is coupled to the master battery?
Can reproduce with the the C172 Basic, no fan sound when avionic 2 in on. With the 172 G1000 you can hear the fan.
The fan check is only for the G1000 avionic as far as I know
It’s not. This post is all about the 172 Basic. The screenshot of the checklist is from that aircraft in MSFS 2024.
MSFS 2020 includes both the fan check on the checklist and a fan that is audible when Avionics 2 comes on. Cheers.
There are some “wiring” differences between the C172 Basic in MSFS 2020 vs 2024.
In 2020, Avionics 1 switches on
- GNS 430
- Autopilot
- Transponder
- ADF unit
- (no fan)
Avionics 2 switches on
- GNS 530
- ADF unit
- avionics fan
This is the relevant 2020 checklist for the C172 Basic:
In 2024, Avionics 1 switches on
- GNS 530
- GNS 430
- ADF unit
- (no fan)
Avionics 2 switches on
- Autopilot
- Transponder
- (still no fan)
This is the 2024 checklist with the Basic gauges in view, so it’s clear I’m in the correct aircraft:
Since you were able to verify and reproduce, could this thread be moved to Bug Reporting? I could edit so it’s template compliant, if you like.