Cessna 208 Caravan Ex Garmin banned!

This has never happened before, the Garmin 20 Caravan now features pink rectangles with xs, as can be seen from the image:
What happened? How to make them disappear? Thank you.

Go to the content manager and make sure there’s not a G1000NXi update waiting. They did an update last week that caused that in the Caravan, Asobo Pilates and one of the Diamond aircraft. They issued a “hot fix” within a day to address it. If you have the latest version, those pink boxes should disappear upon a successful start of the system. Check your version, I bet that’s it.

It’s not banned nor is it an error. That’s the standard Garmin alignment startup power on screen. Don’t move that plane or wing surfaces until it’s done. Welcome to the real Garmin.

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Also, moved to #third-party-addon-discussion:tools-utilities

Ok downloaded the latest update of GarminNXI does not anymore.Thank you very much.